« SNK Playmore Request New Recruits In Developing New The King Of Fighters Entry »
The King of Fighters developer and publisher will need help in making a new game in the popular series.
SNK Playmore is looking for people to join the development team in making a new KOF entry. Positions SNKP is looking for include programmers and designers with experience in 3-D game development, suggesting that the latest entry will have some form of 3-D. They also look for people with experience in making games for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, as well as those with ability to work with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4.
Rumors of a new KOF game surfaced in 2013, during which a major rumor included the new title being a 3-D game. This team will be separate from the group in SNKP responsible for the Pachinko Slot machines. Those interested in shaping the future of KOF, and who can read Japanese, should check out the recruit page here!