« Dead or Alive 5: Last Round to Feature New Schoolgirl Character Honoka, Hardware Constraints for Last Gen DLC »
Here is a early hint of who is coming to the last Dead or Alive 5 game.
Famitsu provided a small preview scan of the newest Dead or Alive 5: Last Round character Honoka. Not many details have been revealed from the preview aside from having a "secret power." Players will be able to check out more of Honoka in the upcoming issue of Famitsu as well as Team Ninja officially on Jan. 15.
While DOA5:LR is planned for both last and current generations of consoles, the former will probably encounter drawbacks in downloadable content. Team Ninja made an official statement on the Dead or Alive Facebook page about their concerns.
Due to hardware capacity, we are approaching the limit of the additional downloadable content we can offer for PS3/Xbox 360. There is a possibility that new content will not be availalbe for those platforms in the future.
We are currently looking into the limits and will inform you as soon as we have more information.There should be no issues transferring any downloadable content for “DOA5 Ultimate” to “DOA5 Last Round”.
Team Ninja also stated that it's not a hard drive concern. In addition to DLC conflicts, the last gen versions of DOA5:LR will not feature the newer stages or customizable outfits.