« Tekken X Street Fighter Still in Development, No Release Date Yet »
Polygon recently talked with Katsuhiro Harada about his work at Bandai Namco, and while there were many topics to discuss one that stood out was the lack of information surrounding the company's half of its collaboration with Capcom.
"[Tekken X Street Fighter is] very difficult to talk about," Harada said. "Obviously, I had originally planned to release it much earlier than we're currently looking at."
The Tekken series director said there is currently no solid release date planned for the game but that it is still in development with "around 40 people currently working on it." Harada did, however, say that when the game is finally ready for release he hopes to deliver it in a special way.
"People have been talking about the game for such a long time that they aren't going to be surprised if you just release it normally ... I don't know if that's what we have planned, but we do plan to have some kind of surprise," he said.