« Team List for Cooperation Cup 14 Revealed, Biggest 3rd Strike Tournament on Jan. 10, 2016 »

The annual Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike 5v5 team tournament series in Japan returns in January 2016 with 89 teams!
Over 400 players will be playing in Cooperation Cup 14 to see if any of their teams can dominate the field. Many old and new school players such as Raoh, Spellmaster-J, Kokujin, Nuki, Matsuken and more will be there. The 89th team spot will be given to the team that wins a last chance qualifier.
In addition to the main tournament, Cooperation Cup will have its special character-specific tournament the day before. Both tournaments will be at Tokyo Leisure Land Palette Town.
You can find the full list for both tournaments here! Coopeartion Cup 14 will be streamed on Game Newton's Twitch channel!