« Tekken 7 at JAEPO 2015 Shows Off Lucky Chloe & Shaheen, New Korean Arcade Stick Parts in Production »

Image by FamitsuYou can find two of Tekken 7's newest characters in action after the jump!
Courtesy of Japanese website 4Gamer, Bandai Namco Games' Katsuhiro Harada, in a Pikachu outfit, showed off both Lucky Chloe and Shaheen at the Japanese Arcade Expo. This event is the first time the public can try out Shaheen before its initial Feb. 18 release.
Meanwhile in Korea, Crown (also known as Samducksa) has been working on new arcade stick parts in time for Tekken 7. One of their latest offerings is the CWL-307 lever. Offered in Japanese and Korean stick mounts, the CWL-307 given to testers also includes different tension material such as silicone and latex, outside of the usual rubber tension. Each of the tension material differs in feel ranging from light to heavy force. Also tested were the 207H buttons. They are screw-in buttons with a special quick-disconnect feature and mechanical keyboard switches installed.
For more information about the parts, check out the sources below.