« The Show That Sucks #128 The Final Episode This Sunday at 3pm PST (6/7) »
Well this Sunday will mark the end of The Show That Sucks. We are going to have one last show Sunday to give thanks to everybody who has been watching us since the beginning! You will be able to watch the show live on our Twitch.tv Channel starting at 3pm PST this Sunday. Again thanks to everybody who has listened over the years and we hope to see you in chat!
As always you can send questions to Myself or Honzo Gonzo on Twitter.
If you missed last week's show, head over to our podcast section where you can watch or listen to every show!
Blowing up the FGC one week at a time, The Show That Sucks was a weekly Podcast with Harrison, the streamer of IPLAYWINNER, and Honzo Gonzo, the worst person on the internet.
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