Entries in podcast (241)


Super Desperation Radio episode 624 archive online

The latest (and last?) episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

After several weeks off, SDR came back just to say goodbye! The crew talked about the many different announcements at Evolution 2017 along with the upcoming months of fighting game anticipation and releases.

The members also announced that Super Desperation Radio will be going on hiatus, as the different members move on to new unannounced projects. SDR thanked members past and present for their contributions to the show as the gang rode off into the sunset for now.

Super Desperation Radio has been live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and episodes are archived at the TS YouTube channel. Many classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 623 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Days before Evolution 2017, SDR talked about the upcoming tournament weekend and all the action that will take place at Mandalay Bay. This included discussion about favorites in each game and the yearly "Pockets Pick" as Hellpockets tried to predict the champion of Street Fighter V.

The cast also covered the funding of Arcana Heart 3 Love Max Six Stars!!!!!! and the upcoming stretch goals; the impending release of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Lat[st] and its recent arcade patch; and the new Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 digital figure patch.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 622 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

SDR welcomed Daryl "DJcream" Bunao back to the show to talk about AnimEvo at Evolution 2017. He talked about the free Gundam Versus tournament that will be sponsored by Bandai Namco, and discussed some of the entrant numbers for AnimEvo games.

Joey "Mr. Wizard" Cuellar then suprised the cast by joining along with Chris Ceglia to reveal more details about Evo as they pulled the show into overtime. He talked about the bigger BYOC area (complete with a bar), three-out pools and other interesting bits of information about the upcoming event.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 621 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

After two weeks off, SDR returned with its first show since the announcement of Dragon Ball FighterZ. This lead to plenty of hype from Hellpockets, and some from Sanchez, before the crew got down to business with guest Antonio "CoolGrayAJ" Javier.

The fighting games manager for Echo Fox, Javier answered SDR's questions about his job, his history in competitive gaming and the type of players Echo Fox is interested in signing. Javier also took time to field questions from the audience.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 620 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

SDR returned after a one-week break for Memorial Day in the U.S. to talk about Combo Breaker and were joined by Alex Jebailey. Jebailey talked about his upcoming Community Effort Orlando and CEOtaku events in 2017, CEO's move to Daytona in 2018, taking risks with new events and working all the time. He also mentioned Kenny Omega's return to CEO and talked about good Lebanese food.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 619 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Tournament season is in full swing and SDR spent plenty of time talking about Evo Japan's Sai event and the many other tournaments that happened. Focus was put on KOF XIV competitions and the ongoing beta of Steam's edition of the game.

The cast also discussed the possible leak of Marvel characters in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite, the console characters in Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] and SEGA's news that it will be reviving some of its old franchises.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 618 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

BearUNLV joined the show to talk about his work at Smashgg along with his history in the fighting game community. From the Curleh Circuit to Burst League, Bear talked about how Smashgg is helping to give games a higher profile in the FGC and also making the tournament experience easier for players and organizers.

The show also discussed Fable's signing of Kizzie Kay, the upcoming releases of Injustice 2 and Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 and King of Fighters XIV coming to Steam.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 617 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Rick "TheHadou" Thiher joined SDR to talk about the upcoming Combo Breaker 2017. Thiher talked about event registration, the different tournaments making up CB, the recent decision to switch Guilty Gear to Rev 2 and commentary applications. He also took questions from the audience. 

The cast also talked about Ed in Street Fighter V, the Injustice 2 Championship Series and the release of Tekken x New Japan Pro Wrestling shirts in the U.S.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 616 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

It was an abbreviated one-hour show of SDR as the cast jumped into a big pile of news starting with Dreamhack Austin. The conversation then moved onto all the news surrounding Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite as the cast talked about season and character passes in fighting games.

The show also covered news about Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]'s console release, Guilty Gear Xrd Rev's 2 demo and Gundam Versus coming to North America.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 615 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

After a week off SDR returned with the NCR recap show and an appearance by Daryl "DJream" Bunao to talk about AnimEvo. The crew talked about new events being added to AnimEvo as well as rising stars at NCR and Bronson Tran's Tekken 7 antics

Other topics included the recent Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite leak, Street Fighter V's content delays and upcoming releases of Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] for console and BlazBlue Central Fiction for Steam.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 614 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

With only days before NorCal Regionals 2017, SDR talked about its successful Matcherino drive for the KOF XIV tournament along a preview of the event.

They also discussed the new KOF patch and DLC characters, the recent Hitbox movement and Burst League's effort to create a coordinated tour for King of Fighters, Guilty Gear Xrd and BlazBlue.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 613 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Grant and Pablo from Matcherino joined SDR to talk about the company and its crowdfunding opportunities. The two explained how the service works and how they view the company's ability to help fighting games.

The crew also talked about KOF XIV's upcoming DLC, Wrestlemania 33, Orochinagi closing down, Arika's new fighting game and ELeague.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 612 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

It was a KOF-centric show as the cast talked about the Vanessa reveal and a possible leak for a fourth DLC character in King of Fighters XIV. The cast also discussed scene gatekeeping and how attitudes in the scene can affect a game's growth.

SDR also mentioned details on the console version of Guilty Gear Xrd Rev 2 and answered questions from the audience.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 611 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Honzo Gonzo showed up on SDR trying to ruin the show, but was promptly booted off the show for a returning Walkman, whose new work schedule will allow him to continue his tenure as a cast member.

On the show proper, the cast talked about the recent best-of-five calls for Street Fighter V and discussed possible arguments for and against the proposition. They also talked about potential tournament and event formats that could provide extended sets for pro players.

The show also briefly covered the KOF XIV DLC characters Whip and Yamazaki, speculating which character or characters could join them. 

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 610 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Daryl "DJCream" Bunao joined the show to announce the current lineup for AnimEvo at Evolution 2017. The 10-game roster (it became 11 by show's end) includes many of the top airdash games that didn't make the Evo roster.

The show also discussed Final Round 20, the Killer Instinct World Cup and the art of the popoff.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 609 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

SDR discussed the beginning of the Street Fighter V season with the upcoming Final Round 20 and the impact new leagues and tournament series are having on the already-crowded FGC event schedule.

The cast also took some time to talk about the release of the Nintendo Switch and their litany of problems with River City Ransom Underground.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 608 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

SDR was joined by Brokentier's Koogy as the crew discussed Koogy's recent streaming efforts with Guilty Gear Xrd. The conversation spilled into all aspects of the fighting game community, from Koogy's break in active competition to his personal philsophy on improving and dealing with losses. He even discussed growing a scene or business and how times have changed for smaller startups in the FGC.

The show also said a temporary goodbye to beloved cast member Walkman, who will be on hiatus due to changes in his work life.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 607 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

SDR was joined by former Evolution champion Reynald as the group talked the King of Fighters XIV World Championship finals.

Hellpockets and company also took the time to ask Reynald his thoughts on player philosophy, social media in the fighting game community and his predictions on KOF XIV's upcoming DLC characters.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 606 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

New characters and upcoming events rounded out this week's episode of SDR. Hellpockets talked about the upcoming King of Fighters XIV World Championship and his job commentating it with NerdJosh and Metaphysics. This segued into the cast talking about its efforts to create a commentary bootcamp in the future, with the hopes of giving more players an opportunity to grow and more footage for demo reels.

In other news, the cast talked about the debuts of Swamp Thing in Injustice 2 and Kolin in Street Fighter V.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.


Super Desperation Radio episode 605 archive online

The latest episode of Super Desperation Radio is now available for watching on Team Spooky's YouTube channel.

Super Desperation Radio was joined by Daryl "DJcream" Bunao to discuss the week's topics including the King of Fighters XIV World Championship, NorCal Regionals 2017 and Undefeated.

Bunao discussed community efforts to run BlazBlue and Guilty Gear in Northern California, along with stories from past NCRs and Evo events. The cast also briefly returned to the subject of popping off after a big personal victory.

Super Desperation Radio is live every Monday at 6:30 p.m. PDT on Team Spooky, and will be archived at the TS YouTube channel. Classic episodes can still be found on the IPLAYWINNER YouTube.