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« Sorcerer Quan Chi Glitch Allows Two Spells on Screen in MKX »

A new glitch has been discovered in Mortal Kombat X that allows the Sorcerer variant of Quan Chi to have more than one of his spells on screen at the same time. Following up on a video that was sent to them by someone who performed the glitch but had no idea how it worked, Ketchup and Mustard were able to figure it out.

According to the brothers, the glitch is started by casting Final Hex and then letting the buff run out. From that point, if Quan Chi casts another spell and waits roughly eight seconds into its duration he can then cast another spell before the first one has run out. Once two spells are on the screen, they each have an independent timer and players can cast any combination of his three buffs including duplicates.

The spell glitch has some bizarre side effects, as Ketchup and Mustard were able to discover methods allowing the chip damage buff from Final Hex to carry over even once it expired. It's unknown how effective this glitch can or will be in tournament play, but check out Ketchup's Twitch stream as they investigate the exploit more. A brief YouTube video by user Apocalypse UK showing the glitch can be found below.

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