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« Mortal Kombat XL patch notes for Oct. 4, 2016, detailed »

Mortal Kombat XL is getting a patch to coincide with the game's release on Steam on Oct. 4 and NetherRealm Studios has posted the list of changes.

Stamina has become more precious in the new patch, with running and cancelling into a dash draining more and getting hit while running costing a lot. There are also plenty of changes to almost the entire cast, with new moves created and properties, such as armor, given to or taken away from existing commands.

Check out the patch notes below.


General Gameplay fixes

  • Many move list corrections
  • Increased energy cost to start running to 25 (up from 15)
  • Increased energy cost to cancel into a dash (where applicable) to 25 (up from 15)
  • Getting hit while running will now drain 50 energy
  • The increased hurt regions when you perform an air attack now activate one frame before the hit region activates
  • Kounter message added when a hit lands as a counterattack or punish
  • Delayed Wakeup will no longer activate if the block button is pressed or held while holding down
  • You are no longer able use specific timing to avoid recovery frames on some jump attacks which used weapons
  • Reduced the victim blockstun along with the attacker block recovery on many moves (keeping the same +|- on block advantage)
  • WBID unlocks no longer have additional requirements


Character Specific Fixes

  • Alien - while attacking with the tail Alien will have an extended hurt region
  • Alien - fixed an issue with Alien’s ducking hurt regions not resizing properly
  • Alien - Towards+BK now has 19 startup frames (up from 17)
  • Alien - adjusted the increased hurt regions during the active frames of jumping attacks
  • Alien - Tail Slam no longer has armor
  • Alien - Tail Flip & Tail Slam now have 20 startup frames (up from 18), 2 active frames (down from 4), & had the hit region adjusted
  • Alien - Tail Flip is now -10 on block (down from -7) and Tail Slam is now -28 on block (down from -17)
  • Alien - Xeno Strike is now +14 on hit (down from +22)
  • Alien - Tail Snag is now +14 on hit (down from +20) and Tail Grab is now +18 on hit (down from +48)
  • Alien - adjusted the hit region of Tail Snag & Tail Grab to hit more consistent
  • Alien - fixed a bug which could allow Alien to cancel out of miss recovery of a jump attack into a special move or combo string
  • Alien (Acidic) - adjusted the air reaction of Acid Blood to prevent an opponent from being otg-juggled during it
  • Alien (Acidic) - fixed an issue where Acid damage over time was not stacking properly
  • Alien (Acidic) - Acid Blood now self-inflicts 3 damage (up from 1) & Erosive Blood now self-inflicts 3 damage (up from 1.5)
  • Alien (Konjurer) - Fixed an issue which could cause Drone Drop to hit multiple times on the same frame Alien was in block pause
  • Alien (Tarkatan) - Chop Chop Shop now has 2 hits of armor
  • Alien (Tarkatan) - Spinner no longer has armor
  • Alien (Tarkatan) - Tarkatan Rush can no longer be delayed (Tarkatan Fury can still be delayed)


  • Bo Rai Cho - dash forward now takes 26 frames (down from 33)
  • Bo Rai Cho - run startup is now 13 frames (down from 15)
  • Bo Rai Cho - back dash recovers 2 frames faster and travels slightly further
  • Bo Rai Cho - fixed a bug which would allow an opponent to block after Fart Cloud if it hit late on the same frame Bo Rai Cho exited the attack
  • Bo Rai Cho - Fist Flurry, Monkey Flips, & Bump n Dump now have 2 hits of armor
  • Bo Rai Cho - adjusted the hit region of Tumble Kicks & Monkey Flips to hit more consistent
  • Bo Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) - Up Fire Spit & Up Fire Breath now destroy most incoming basic projectiles
  • Bo Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) - fixed a bug where Up Fire Breath could trade with Shinnok’s (Necromancer) Summoned Fiend from far away
  • Bo Rai Cho (Dragon Breath) - Up Fire Spit now recovers 5 frames faster
  • Bo Rai Cho (Drunken Master) - Spinning Hammers now has 2 hits of armor
  • Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) - Spinning Kane & Spin and Slam now recovers 10 frames faster on miss
  • Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) - Spinning Kane & Spin and Slam now destroy most incoming basic projectiles
  • Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) - Snag and Bump & Kane Strike now have 2 hits of armor
  • Bo Rai Cho (Bartitsu) - Bo Rai Cho can now perform the Kove brutality while using this variation


  • Cassie - Towards+FK now has 20 startup frames (up from 15)
  • Cassie - Getaway Flip now has 45 miss recovery frames (up from 36)
  • Cassie (Hollywood) -
  • Cassie (Brawler) -
  • Cassie (Spec Ops) -


  • D'Vorah - fixed a bug causing her head collision to get smaller while running
  • D'Vorah - Spawning Puddle is now +12 on block (down from +22) and has reduced pushback
  • D'Vorah - Spawning Pool is now +27 on block (down from +47) and has reduced pushback
  • D'Vorah - Towards+BP now hits mid
  • D'Vorah - increased the hit advantage and cancel advantage of Towards+FK
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the recovery of Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb by 4 frames
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - increased damage scaling on Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the block stun on Bug Blast, Bug Bomb, & Enhance Bug Bomb by 10 frames
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the damage of Bug Bomb by 1
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - reduced the damage of Crawler by 1
  • D'Vorah (Brood Mother) - Enhanced Bug Bomb no longer sometimes visually stays on screen when blocked
  • D'Vorah (Swarm Queen) - Vortex Swarm is now +3 on block (down from +22)
  • D'Vorah (Swarm Queen) - Infestation is now +1 on block (down from +20)
  • D'Vorah (Venomous) - replaced Bug Spray (enhanced) with a new attack called Bug Burst
  • D'Vorah (Venomous) - Venomous brutality requirements changed


  • Ermac - Force Port when done as a wakeup attack no longer has armor
  • Ermac - Towards+BK now has 16 startup frames (up from 12), is -25 on block (down from -22), and does 5 damage (down from 7)
  • Ermac - increased combo damage scaling on Force Lift & Tele-Lift
  • Ermac - reduced the blockstun of Air Soul Blast by 10 frames and reduced the pushback
  • Ermac - Up Soul Blast is now +22 on hit (down from +27)
  • Ermac - Away+FP,BP is now +15 on hit (down from +23)
  • Ermac (Mystic) - reduced the pushback on Levitate
  • Ermac (Mystic) - fixed a bug where if Ermac was hit on a certain frame after connecting with Levitate, the life gain and meter drain could be active longer than intended
  • Ermac (Mystic) - increased combo damage scaling on Tele-Hang, Tele-Hold, Tele-Choke, & Levitate
  • Ermac (Master of Souls) - increased combo damage scaling on Soul Ball & Soul Trap
  • Ermac (Spectral) - Spectral Charge now has 2 hits of armor
  • Ermac (Spectral) - Force Port & Soul Blast while hovering no longer has armor


  • Erron Black - Towards+FP now has 23 startup frames (up from 16)
  • Erron Black - Slide Shots now has 2 hits of armor
  • Erron Black (Gunslinger) -
  • Erron Black (Outlaw) - Sand Throw (pocket sand) no longer has armor
  • Erron Black (Outlaw) - Sand Throw is now -5 on block (up from -20) with increased pushback and does 4 more damage
  • Erron Black (Marksman) -


  • Ferra/Torr - reduced the blockstun of Ferra Toss by 10 frames and reduced the pushback
  • Ferra/Torr (Ruthless) -
  • Ferra/Torr (Vicious) -
  • Ferra/Torr (Lackey) - Torr Up no longer has armor


  • Goro - BP,FP,BK is now -2 on block (up from -5)
  • Goro - Towards+BP now has 17 startup frames (down from 22)
  • Goro - Increased the range of Towards+FK
  • Goro - removed 5 recovery frames from Away+BK
  • Goro - Shokan Bolt now has 16 startup (down from 23) and has 5 less recovery frames
  • Goro - Shokan Blast now has 21 startup (down from 27) and has 5 less recovery frames
  • Goro - Fist Flurry now does all 6 hits on block and is now -12 on block (down from -5)
  • Goro - Fist Flurry & Punch Walk now cause the same air reactions making combos more consistent
  • Goro - Shokan Slam & Krush now have 2 hits of armor
  • Goro - Fist Flurry no longer pops up the opponent but can still be enhanced
  • Goro (Kuatan Warrior) - Chest Charge now has 2 hits of armor
  • Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Piercing Fang is now +7 on block (down from +12)
  • Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Dragon Spin no longer has armor
  • Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Piercing Fang now has 2 hits of armor
  • Goro (Dragon Fangs) - Shokan Massacre now has 2 hits of armor
  • Goro (Tigrar Fury) - removed 5 recovery frames from Flame Ball
  • Goro (Tigrar Fury) - Dragon Torch now has 30 frames of armor (up from 20)
  • Goro (Tigrar Fury) - Dragon Breath is now +7 on block (down from +12)
  • Goro (Tigrar Fury) - Flame Chain has increased pushback on block, has 4 less recovery frames, and the last two projectiles now hit mid


  • Jacqui - BP,FP,BP is now -2 on block (down from -7)
  • Jacqui - Forces Charge now has 2 hits of armor
  • Jacqui - Away+BP now has 5 less block cancel advantage
  • Jacqui (Full Auto) - increased combo damage scaling on Towards+BP,UP+BP,BP+BK
  • Jacqui (Full Auto) - Up Rocket is now -3 on block (down from +5)
  • Jacqui (Full Auto) - Rocket Power is now +7 on block (down from +28)
  • Jacqui (Full Auto) - increased combo damage scaling on Up Rocket & Rocket Power
  • Jacqui (Shotgun) - Double Barrel is now -1 on block (up from -5)
  • Jacqui (Shotgun) - Low Blast is now -11 on block (down from -6)
  • Jacqui (Shotgun) - increased combo damage scaling on Low Blow & Low Blast
  • Jacqui (Shotgun) - Low Blow is now +9 on hit when done a second time in the same combo (down from +39)
  • Jacqui (Shotgun) - Low Blast is now +19 on hit when done a second time in the same combo (down from +39)
  • Jacqui (High Tech) - Quick Burst has an additional 3 recovery frames
  • Jacqui (High Tech) - Quick Burst is now -1 on block (down from +2)
  • Jacqui (High Tech) - Quick Burst level 2 is now +8 on block (down from +11)
  • Jacqui (High Tech) - Quick Burst level 3 is now +7 on block (down from +10)


  • Jason - Down+FP is now -4 on block (down from -2)
  • Jason - Choke Slam & Temple Slam now have 2 hits of armor
  • Jason (Slasher) - Bloodlust & Shoulder Charge now have 2 hits of armor
  • Jason (Slasher) - added 5 recovery frames to and increased combo damage scaling on Shoulder Push
  • Jason (Relentless) - Blood Mist now has 3 hits of armor
  • Jason (Unstoppable) - Jason will now properly resurrect when killed by the second hit of Predator's Scimitar Stab
  • Jason (Unstoppable) - Fixed a bug where an opponent could lose a round if they had a damage over time effect which cannot kill active on them while Jason resurrected


  • Jax - Dash Fist cannot be changed into Downward Dash Fist if its armor is hit
  • Jax - changing Dash Fist into Downward Dash Fist will remove its armor
  • Jax - Gotcha Beatdown no longer has armor
  • Jax - FP, FP is now +1 on block (down from +2)
  • Jax (Heavy Weapons) - Fixed bug where Jax could be holding the rocket launcher in his hand during his X-Ray attack and cinematic
  • Jax (Pumped Up) - Gotcha Extreme now has 2 hits of armor
  • Jax (Wrestler) -


  • Johnny Cage - Nutcracker & Ultra Flipkick no longer have armor
  • Johnny Cage - Eclipse Kick now has 2 hits of armor
  • Johnny Cage - Ultra Flipkick is now -1 on block (up from -16) and has increased pushback
  • Johnny Cage (Fisticuffs) - Fist Bump can now be enhanced after activation which can then be cancelled into any attack or special move
  • Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) - Eclipse Kick while Mimics are activated will no longer lose its armor
  • Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) - reduced the blockstun Shadow Kick while Mimics are active by 10 and reduced the pushback
  • Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) - reduced the blockstun of the first hit of Shadow Dropkick while Mimics are active by 20 and of the second hit by 10
  • Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) - Fixed a bug that was preventing Eclipse Kick from being cancelled into during Mimic activation
  • Johnny Cage (Stunt Double) - Double Straight Forceball now does 12 damage (down from 16)
  • Johnny Cage (A-List) - added 5 frames before a dash cancel is active if a move is charged during the opponents block stun


  • Kano - Black Dragon Ball no longer has armor
  • Kano - reduced the blockstun on Multi Blades by 5 frames
  • Kano (Cutthroat) - Fixed a bug which could cause Kano to lose the round if he had Power Up or Charge Up activate while Jason (Unstoppable) resurrected
  • Kano (Cutthroat) - Away+FP can no longer be cancelled when blocked and is now -15 on block (down from -10)
  • Kano (Cutthroat) - Charge Up no longer has armor
  • Kano (Cutthroat) - Power Up & Charge Up now have 10 more recovery frames when done while the opponent is blocking
  • Kano (Cutthroat) - Away+FP,BP,FP is now -10 on block (down from 0)
  • Kano (Cybernetic) - Eye Blast no longer has armor and is now +4 on block (up from -11) and has 10 less recovery frames
  • Kano (Commando) - Strangle, Power Bomb, & Rib Breaker now have 2 hits of armor


  • Kenshi - Away+BP recovery reduced by 5 frames
  • Kenshi - Towards+BK is now +4 on block (up from +2)
  • Kenshi - BK, BK, FP, BP now does 7 damage (up from 5)
  • Kenshi - various combo damage scaling adjustments
  • Kenshi - Sword Dance & Blade-Nado no longer has armor
  • Kenshi - Blade-Nado is now +47 on hit (up from +42)
  • Kenshi - Sword Dance is now -7 on block (up from -12)
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Spirit Push is now -10 on block (up from -15)
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Spirit Charge now has 2 hits of armor and increased recovery frames by 5
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Spirit Charge is now +3 on block (up from -2)
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Telekinetic Slice & Telekinetic Slash have 4 less recovery frames on miss
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Telekinetic Slash has a different reaction which can allow for combos afterwards
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - fixed a bug which could cause Tele-Flurry & Tele-Beatdown hit regions could be misaligned
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Karma Eruption no longer has armor and is now -2 on block (down from -17)
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Tele-Beatdown is now +1 on block (up from -9) and has increased pushback
  • Kenshi (Balanced) - Karma Eruption recovers 10 frames faster on miss & hit
  • Kenshi (Possessed) - Demonic Slice & Soul Charge now have 2 hits of armor
  • Kenshi (Possessed) - Sickle Strike no longer has armor and is now 0 on block (up from -10) with increased pushback
  • Kenshi (Possessed) - Towards+BK has 10 less recovery frames on block & miss
  • Kenshi (Possessed) - Soul Charge is now +3 on block (up from -9)
  • Kenshi (Possessed) - adjusted the hit regions of Demonic Strike & Demonic Slice
  • Kenshi (Kenjutsu) - Tele-Suspend no longer has armor
  • Kenshi (Kenjutsu) - Tele-Blast now has 2 hits of armor


  • Kitana - Away+BP now has 18 frames startup (down from 25)
  • Kitana - increased the range on Towards+BP
  • Kitana - FK,Down+BK is now -5 on block (down from -15)
  • Kitana - Rising Blades can no longer be cancelled into regular air special moves on hit
  • Kitana - Rising Fan & Rising Blades can be cancelled into air enhanced special moves on hit, block, or miss
  • Kitana - Throat Slice is now -16 on block (up from -30)
  • Kitana - Throat Slash now has 2 hits of armor and is now -8 on block (up from -30) with increased pushback
  • Kitana - increased fan projectile damage by 1
  • Kitana - Square Boost & Square Wave now recover 25 frames faster on miss
  • Kitana - Square Wave now has 2 hits of armor
  • Kitana - After Air Float & Princess Flutter you can hold Towards to perform directional jumping attacks instead of neutral jumping attacks
  • Kitana (Royal Storm) - Air Square Boost & Air Square Wave now recover 10 frames faster on miss
  • Kitana (Royal Storm) - Air Square Wave now has 2 hits of armor
  • Kitana (Royal Storm) - BP,BK is now -1 on block (up from -11) with increased pushback
  • Kitana (Royal Storm) - Fan-Nado & Fan Vortex have increased pushback on block
  • Kitana (Assassin) - Assassin Impale now has 2 hits of armor
  • Kitana (Mournful) - Staff Smash & Eclipse Kick now have 2 hits of armor
  • Kitana (Mournful) - Increased glaive projectile damage by 1


  • Kotal Kahn - Away+FP now hits high
  • Kotal Kahn - Sunstone is now 0 on block (down from +5)
  • Kotal Kahn - Burning Sunstone is now +6 on block (down from +15)
  • Kotal Kahn - Towards+FP is now -2 on block (up from -6) and had the pushback increased
  • Kotal Kahn - Towards+FP,BP is now -1 on block (up from -6)
  • Kotal Kahn - Away+FK,BP is now +2 on block (up from -3) and had the pushback increased
  • Kotal Kahn (Blood God) - Obsidian Totem now lasts for 240 frames (down from 400)
  • Kotal Kahn (War God) - Sword Takedown & Sword Quake now have 2 hits of armor
  • Kotal Kahn (War God) - Overhead Sword Smash no longer has armor
  • Kotal Kahn (War God) - Sword Toss is now +13 on block (down from -+18)
  • Kotal Kahn (War God) - Spinning Sword Toss is now +10 on block (down from +20)
  • Kotal Kahn (Sun God) - Moon God Choke now has 2 hits of armor


  • Kung Lao - Towards+FP is now -2 on block (up from -5) and has reduced recovery
  • Kung Lao - Away+FP now hits high, has 7 startup frames (down from 12), and is 0 on block (up from -11) and has reduced recovery
  • Kung Lao - Away+FP,BP,BP+BK is now -3 on block (up from -13) and has increased pushback
  • Kung Lao - Towards+BP,FP is now -3 on block (up from -8)
  • Kung Lao - Towards+BP,FP,Down+FP is now -7 on block (up from -14)
  • Kung Lao - Towards+FK is now +1 on block (up from -4) and has reduced recovery
  • Kung Lao - Towards+FK,BK is now +2 on block (up from -4) and has reduced recovery
  • Kung Lao - Down+FP now has 7 startup frames (down from 8)
  • Kung Lao - Vortex no longer has armor
  • Kung Lao - Advance Teleportation now has 2 hits of armor and disappears 10 frames faster
  • Kung Lao - Hammer Punch will knock the opponent down if it is done on the way up after Advance Teleportation’s armor is hit
  • Kung Lao (Tempest) - Cyclone no longer has armor
  • Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - increased damage on hat projectiles by 1
  • Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Upward Buzz Saw now hits overhead
  • Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Upward Grinder recovers 4 frames faster
  • Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Low Grinder has increased pushback on block
  • Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Low Buzz Saw has 5 less blockstun frames
  • Kung Lao (BuzzSaw) - Hat Grinder & Buzz Saw now recover 4 frames faster
  • Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - Adjusted the hit regions on Hat-A-Rang & Hat Call Back to hit more consistently
  • Kung Lao (Hat Trick) - Slightly easier to combo after Hat Call Back & Heavy Call Back


  • Kung Jin - added 8 miss recovery frames to Cartwheel Smash
  • Kung Jin - Towards+BP now has 24 startup frames (up from 19) and is -7 on block (down from -10)
  • Kung Jin (Ancestral) - Low Shot now fires 1 frame faster
  • Kung Jin (Ancestral) - Quiver activations now last 420 frames (up from 360)
  • Kung Jin (Ancestral) - Frame Data for arrow types are now shown in the movelist
  • Kung Jin (Ancestral) - Fire Arrows cause 10 more block stun frames and have increased pushback
  • Kung Jin (Ancestral) - Vampiric Arrows cause 10 more block stun frames and have increased pushback
  • Kung Jin (Bojutsu) - Bo Flame & Bo Inferno now have 12 startup frames (down from 18) and have reduced recovery
  • Kung Jin (Bojutsu) - Bo Strike, Bo Spin, & Low Bo Spin no longer have armor
  • Kung Jin (Bojutsu) - Bo swat is now -12 on block (down from -20) and does 7 damage (down from 9)
  • Kung Jin (Bojutsu) - Bo Strike is now +3 on block (up from -20)
  • Kung Jin (Shaolin) - Up Kick & Rising Strike are now -24 on block (down from -7) with adjusted pushback
  • Kung Jin (Shaolin) - Up Kick & Rising Strike now do 7 & 12 damage (down from 9 & 13)
  • Kung Jin (Shaolin) - Shaolin drop & Shaolin Slam now do 5 & 9 damage (down from 6 & 10)
  • Kung Jin (Shaolin) - Shaolin drop & Shaolin Slam are now -24 & -17 on block (down from -7) and now gain additional block stun frames the longer it is delayed
  • Kung Jin (Shaolin) - Low Chak-A-Rang no longer returns when blocked and is now -5 on block (down from 0)


  • Leatherface - Spin-Sanity no longer has armor
  • Leatherface - Low Grinder & Psycho Slasher now have 2 hits of armor
  • Leatherface (Killer) -
  • Leatherface (Butcher) - Mallet Slam no longer has armor
  • Leatherface (Pretty Lady) -


  • Liu Kang - Down+FP now has 7 startup frames (down from 9)
  • Liu Kang - Flying Dragon Strike & Dragon's Wrath now have 2 hits of armor
  • Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - Windmill Flurry’s cancel window now starts 5 frames later
  • Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - Away+FK,BK,BP now hits overhead and is -15 on block (down from -5)
  • Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - BK,BK,BP now hits overhead and is -13 on block (down from -7)
  • Liu Kang (Flame Fist) - Windmill Flurry no longer has armor
  • Liu Kang (Dragon’s Fire) - added 3 additional frames before you can dash cancel out of Dragon Fire if the opponent is blocking
  • Liu Kang (Dualist) - activated Soul Spheres now do proximity damage to the opponent when activated and prevent the opponent from running through it
  • Liu Kang (Dualist) - activated Soul Spheres can now be ignited by Solar Blast & Solar Flare
  • Liu Kang (Dualist) - getting hit while charging Yang will now activate the current level of the buff
  • Liu Kang (Dualist) - Solar Blast has 5 less frames of blockstun and increased pushback


  • Mileena - combo damage scaling adjustments and increases
  • Mileena - Away+FP now hits high and starts up in 10 frames (down from 15)
  • Mileena - Flip n' Roll no longer recovers in time to juggle the opponent
  • Mileena - Flip n' Roll can now be enhanced to roll backwards allowing for a juggle
  • Mileena (Piercing) - Away+FP now hits high and starts up in 10 frames (down from 11)
  • Mileena (Ethereal) -
  • Mileena (Ravenous) -


  • Predator - Down+FP is now -4 on block (up from -6) and had a hit region adjustment
  • Predator - Scimitar Slam no longer automatically bounces the opponent for a combo
  • Predator - Scimitar Stab & Scimitar Slam can now be enhanced to juggle the opponent
  • Predator (Warrior) - Dread Launch now has 11 startup frames (down from 13) and is +6 on block (up from -14)
  • Predator (Warrior) - Dread Launch now has 2 hits of armor and no longer allows for a followup afterwards
  • Predator (Warrior) - Away+FK, Down+BP does 4 more damage
  • Predator (Warrior) - Destruct Sequence now activates and recovers 5 frames faster
  • Predator (Warrior) - Self-Destruct now activates 5 frames faster and recovers 12 frames faster
  • Predator (Hunter) - Trap & Snag will now properly damage scale when done twice in the same combo
  • Predator (Hunter) - removed 19 recovery frames from Medi-Kit & Quick Healing
  • Predator (Hish-Qu-Ten) -


  • Quan Chi - Towards+FP is now -5 on block (up from -13), +9 on hit (up from +1), and have 20 recovery frames (down from 28)
  • Quan Chi - Towards+FP,BK,BP is now -5 on block (up from -14) and has increased pushback
  • Quan Chi - Away+BP now hits mid
  • Quan Chi - Towards+BK now hits overhead, does 7 damage (up from 5) and is -11 on block (down from -5)
  • Quan Chi - Demon Skull is now +6 on block (down from +16)
  • Quan Chi - adjusted the timing of being hit by trance while airborne to be more consistent with the grounded reaction
  • Quan Chi (Sorcerer) - Fixed an issue where armor from Dark Curse would not always have a fresh timer on a new activation
  • Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Stab now has 3 hits of armor, is -2 on block (up from -6), and has 11 less recovery frames
  • Quan Chi (Warlock) - Portal Slam no longer has armor
  • Quan Chi (Warlock) - Fixed a bug where an opponent could momentarily be floating in the air after being hit by Portal Stab
  • Quan Chi (Summoner) -


  • Raiden - BK, BK is now +2 on block (up from -5) and can now be special cancelled
  • Raiden - Down+FK is now -4 on block and adjusted the hit region
  • Raiden - Vicinity Burst now has 2 hits of armor, hits mid, is -2 on block (down from 0), does 9 damage (up from 5), and no longer knocks down
  • Raiden - Vicinity Blast now does 8 damage (up from 5) and has 10 less recovery frames
  • Raiden - Electrocute & Shocker now hit mid
  • Raiden - Thunder Strike & Shocker no longer has armor
  • Raiden - Thunder Fly & Air Thunder Fly now have 2 hits of armor
  • Raiden - Electric Fly & Thunder Fly (air & ground) now recover 15 frames faster on miss
  • Raiden (Thunder God) -
  • Raiden (Displacer) -
  • Raiden (Master of Storms) - Directional Static Trap startup and recovery is more consistent now
  • Raiden (Master of Storms) - Static Trap passive damage is now 0.5 (up from 0.2)
  • Raiden (Master of Storms) - Static Trap now activates in 14 frames (down from 16)
  • Raiden (Master of Storms) - Full Trap now activates in 11 frames (down from 12)


  • Reptile - Acid Spit now has 16 frames startup (down from 17), does 7 damage (down from 8) and has 6 less recovery frames
  • Reptile - Acid Puddle now prevents the opponent from running over it
  • Reptile - Klaw Pounce now does 9 damage (up from 7)
  • Reptile - Klaw Bounce no longer allows for a combo juggle afterwards, is now -6 on block (up from -19), and does 12 damage (up from 7)
  • Reptile - Klaw Slash no longer has armor
  • Reptile - Slippery Slide now has 2 hits of armor and is +37 on hit (down from +40)
  • Reptile (Deceptive) - Invisibility no longer has armor
  • Reptile (Nimble) -
  • Reptile (Noxious) -


  • Scorpion - Flameport no longer has armor as a wakeup
  • Scorpion - Takeout now has 2 hits of armor
  • Scorpion (Ninjutsu) -
  • Scorpion (Hellfire) - added 2 additional frames before you can dash cancel out of Fire Ball if the opponent is blocking
  • Scorpion (Inferno) - Minion Slam is now +2 on block (up from -21)
  • Scorpion (Inferno) - Minion Strike is now +3 on block (up from -27)


  • Shinnok - Towards+FK now has 13 startup frames (down from 16), is -1 on block (up from -6) and has slightly extended range
  • Shinnok - Hell Sparks & Hell Blast enhanced is now +5 on block (down from +14) and has reduced pushback
  • Shinnok - Krushing Shoulder now has 2 hits of armor & no longer does the ground burst automatically afterwards
  • Shinnok - Charging Shoulder & Krushing Shoulder can now be enhanced on block or hit to perform the ground burst which has a modified reaction
  • Shinnok - Amulet Strike is now -6 on block (up from -11) and has 5 less recovery frames on miss
  • Shinnok (Impostor) - adjusted the timing of being hit by Mimicry while airborne to be more consistent with the grounded reaction
  • Shinnok (Impostor) - Mimicry is now +17 on hit (down from +104)
  • Shinnok (Bone Shaper) - Scepter Launch no longer has armor
  • Shinnok (Bone Shaper) - Dark Beam is now -9 on block (up from -12) and has increased pushback
  • Shinnok (Bone Shaper) - Dark Blast is now 0 on block (up from -3) and has increased pushback
  • Shinnok (Necromancer) - Devil's Flick has increased pushback
  • Shinnok (Necromancer) - Judgment Fist & Judgment Smash can now be dash cancelled out of before the drop


  • Sonya - Away+FP now has 19 startup frames (up from 12) and 2 active frames (down from 4)
  • Sonya - Away+FP,BK now has 16 startup frames (down from 14)
  • Sonya - Leg Slam now has 2 hits of armor
  • Sonya (Covert Ops) -
  • Sonya (Demolition) - adjusted the hit region on Bake 'n' Wake and it now has 5 additional recovery frames
  • Sonya (Demolition) - Only 1 of each type of Grenade can now be used in the same combo
  • Sonya (Special Forces) -


  • Subzero - Towards+FP now has 10 startup frames (down from 15)
  • Subzero - Towards+FP,BP is now -2 on block (down from +2)
  • Subzero - Down+FP now has 7 startup frames (down from 9)
  • Subzero - Icy Slide now has 2 hits of armor
  • Subzero - Frost Bomb no longer has armor and has 10 less recovery frames on hit and miss
  • Subzero - Ice Burst is now -5 on block (up from -10)
  • Subzero - Down+BP now has 11 startup frames (down from 12) and 4 active frames (up from 3)
  • Subzero - fixed a bug where an opponent would drop out of a frozen reaction if Subzero blocked an attack on the same frame
  • Subzero (Cryomancer) - Towards+BK,BP,FP+FK now does the same animation and damage as the other variations
  • Subzero (Cryomancer) - added new special move Polar Puncture & Arctic Assault which functions as a command grab which can be special cancelled out of on hit
  • Subzero (Cryomancer) - Frost Hammer & Crushing Hammer do 2 less damage
  • Subzero (Cryomancer) - Towards+FP,BP is now -7 on block (down from 0)
  • Subzero (Cryomancer) - Towards+FP,BP,BP is now -14 on block (down from -9)
  • Subzero (Unbreakable) - Barrier Of Ice now has 25 less recovery frames
  • Subzero (Unbreakable) - Barrier Of Frost now has 15 less recovery frames
  • Subzero (Unbreakable) - Ice Burst & Frost Bomb have increased pushback when Ice Aura or Frozen Aura are active
  • Subzero (Grandmaster) - Ice Statue no longer has armor


  • Takeda - combo damage scaling adjustments and increases
  • Takeda - Towards+FP,BP,BP+BK & Towards+FP,BP+BK is now -24 on block (down from -21)
  • Takeda - Tornado Strike no longer has armor
  • Takeda - Fist Whirlwind now has 2 hits of armor and no longer automatically launches the opponent without being enhanced
  • Takeda - Tri Kunai has 10 less blockstun frames and reduced pushback
  • Takeda - Away+BP now has 25 startup frames (up from 24)
  • Takeda - Towards+BK is now +4 on block (down from +9)
  • Takeda (Shirai Ryu) - Shirai Ryu Phase no longer has armor on wakeup
  • Takeda (Lasher) - Whip Flurry now has 2 hits of armor and no longer automatically launches the opponent without being enhanced
  • Takeda (Lasher) - Whip Flip no longer has armor
  • Takeda (Ronin) - Away+BP now has 20 startup frames (up from 15)
  • Takeda (Ronin) - adjusted the hit region of Away+FP
  • Takeda (Ronin) - Away+FP,FP is now -2 on block (down from 0)
  • Takeda (Ronin) - Blade Summon no longer has armor
  • Takeda (Ronin) - added 5 additional recovery frames to Quick Kall if the opponent is blocking


  • Tanya - combo damage scaling adjustments and increases
  • Tanya - Low Drill Kick no longer has armor
  • Tanya - fixed a bug that would allow Tanya to cancel the recovery of a Teleport into a special move
  • Tanya - removed 5 recovery frames from teleports
  • Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) - Tonfa Strike now has 1 hit of armor
  • Tanya (Kobu Jutsu) - Tonfa Swipe can no longer be delayed (Tonfa Strike can still be delayed)
  • Tanya (Dragon Naginata) - Spinning Kick now has 1 hit of armor
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) - Devil's Dust now has 2 hits of armor and does 10 damage (up from 7)
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) - Dark Shroud now does 7 damage (up from 5)
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) - Air Fireball now does 8 damage (up from 6)
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) - Fireball now does 8 damage (up from 7)
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) - Surging Blast now does 12 damage (up from 10)
  • Tanya (Pyromancer) - Air Surging Blast now goes 15 damage (up from 12)


  • Tremor - Towards+FP now has 6 startup frames (down from 7)
  • Tremor - Away+FP now has 14 startup frames (down from 19)
  • Tremor - Down+FP now has 8 startup frames (down from 9)
  • Tremor - Towards+BP now has 26 startup frames (down from 30), is +2 on block (up from -6), and has 11 less miss recovery frames
  • Tremor - Towards+BK is now +6 on block (up from -14) and now hits high
  • Tremor - Stone Slam cannot be changed into Stone Kut or Stone Hammer if its armor is hit
  • Tremor - changing Stone Slam into Stone Kut or Stone Hammer will remove its armor
  • Tremor - adjusted the hit reaction Rock Blast (Up Shatter) to reduce the combo potential
  • Tremor (Aftershock) -
  • Tremor (Metallic) - Gold Launch no longer has armor
  • Tremor (Metallic) - Magma Blast now has 2 hits of armor
  • Tremor (Crystalline) - Fixed a bug where a summoned Krystal could be invisible while thrown
  • Tremor (Crystalline) - Krystal Blast no longer has armor


  • Triborg - Away+FP now has 22 startup frames (up from 18) and 4 more hit cancel advantage
  • Triborg - Towards+FP,FK is now -8 on block (down from -4), +8 on hit (down from +12), has 4 additional miss recovery frames, and has 4 more hit cancel advantage
  • Triborg - Away+FK now has 16 frames startup (down from 15) and is -6 on block (up from -8)
  • Triborg - Slide And Strike now has 2 hits of armor
  • Triborg - fixed a bug where an opponent would drop out of a frozen reaction if Triborg blocked an attack on the same frame
  • Triborg (LK-9T9) - Flame Thrower now has 2 hits of armor
  • Triborg (LK-9T9) - Straight Missile has 5 less recovery frames, 5 more blockstun frames, & some slight pushback
  • Triborg (LK-9T9) - Flame Burner has some additional pushback
  • Triborg (LK-4D4) - fixed a bug where an opponent would drop out of a net reaction if Triborg blocked an attack on the same frame
  • Triborg (LK-4D4) - fixed a bug where Scatter-Port would sometimes have extended recovery after you hit with a Shrapnel-Port
  • Triborg (LK-4D4) - fixed a bug which would allow an opponent to block after Net if it hit late on the same frame Triborg exited the attack
  • Triborg (LK-4D4) - Shrapnel-Port now has 2 hits of armor
  • Triborg (LK-7T2) - will no longer get stuck if Cyber Initiative gets interrupted on a specific frame after it hits
  • Triborg (LK-7T2) - Smoke Cloud & Smoke Bomb can no longer hit airborne opponents outside of a combo
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