« JDCR's Tekken lesson on reading opponents to side step or counter »
Photo by HatalyNew and experienced Tekken players awaiting Tekken 7 should check out this multipart video from one of South Korea's best players.
JDCR talks in detail of understanding what moves an opponent's character can do in certain situations especially when you have little life left. Whether it's side stepping or countering, JDCR wants players to gain insight from their opponent's tendencies within a match and how to shift the momentum to their favor.
You can find the translated videos hosted by Battlefinger after the jump! Formerly known as Taktak1893's Tekken replay channel, Battlefinger is now a joint effort from Taktak himself, JDCR, Saint, Jeondding and CLKing. You can still find Tekken 7: Fated Retribution replays along with more related content on the channel here.