« "Kilgore" revealed as Killer Instinct version 3.6 prepares for release »
The newest update to Killer Instinct arrives on Dec. 20, 2016, and with it comes a lot of changes and some brand new information for players.
For starters, a video from the KI team has revealed new characters are on the horizon. The character select screen now has three new slots, one of which will be filled by "Kilgore." Little is known about the combatant, but "Kilgore" is a robot that has gatling guns instead of hands and will be available in January 2017.
As for the patch, a big change comes to KI as breaking a combo now only restores 50 percent of your potential damage, as opposed to 100 percent, and potential damage regeneration begins after 3 seconds instead of 1. There are also gameplay changes to roughly half the cast.
For the full list of notes, head over to Ultra Combo. Players can check out the patch notes video below.