« Black Widow, Venom, Winter Soldier coming to MvCI on Dec. 5 »
The three remaining DLC characters that Capcom announced as coming to Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite before the end of 2017 will be joining the game in early December.
Winter Soldier comes to MvCI equipped with guns and grenades, along with his cybernetic arm that allows him to armor through enemy attacks; Black Widow uses her fast movement and Widow's Bite wrist gauntlets to immobilize opponents; and Venom returns to the Marvel vs. Capcom series with many of his original moves as well as some new tricks including a web zip of his own.
The three characters will be available for free to those who already purchased MvCI's Character Pass, and will also be sold separately for $7.99 each. Readers can check out the trailer below.
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