« Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 unofficially joins Evolution 2017 »
After a heated donation drive that lead to more than $150,000 given to charity, UMvC3 emerged the victor and will be added to the Evolution 2017 lineup barring donation fraud.
This will be the game's seventh year at Evo, and the game has already been won by many of the giants who have dominated it at various times over the years.
As Joey "Mr. Wizard" Cuellar noted during the Evo lineup reveal, UMvC3 will be given a guaranteed $10,000 prize pot and will be the first game played on the main stage for Sunday finals.
As a final nod to the efforts of the Pokkén Tournament community, Evo has pledged to give $10,000 in support to the game's competitions during the course of 2017.