« NorCal Regional 2017 to feature crowdfunded bonus prize pools for SFV & KOFXIV »

With the next edition of NorCal Regionals looming closer, a crowdfunding site dedicated to tournaments will provide extra money to a couple of games at the event.
The King of Fighters XIV and Street Fighter V are getting support through Matcherino. You can easily donate now to either of the events with your Twitch account and using the coupon code "NCR" for SFV or "KOF" for KOFXIV which automatically adds $1. If you want to donate more, you can add funds or pay for special rewards.
For SFV, rewards include a shoutout from Daigo Umehara on Twitter, an Amazon Echo and a variety of Street Fighter-related merchandise. The KOFXIV side features a live analysis of your match and a first-to-five challenge versus Arcade Shock's Reynald. There are also generic rewards including a month of XSplit Premium, various drinks from Soylent and Matcherino clothing.
Donate now on the links above!