« Erika Wagner is another console addition to the playable UNIST cast »
There are now two new characters confirmed for the Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st] console release.
Images from the new issue of Famitsu have confirmed that Erika Wagner will join Enkidu when the game makes its console debut on PlayStation 3, 4 and Vita on July 20, 2017. The pictures include screens of the character in-game.
According the Under Night wiki, Wagner fights with a sword and the ability to control fire.
The existence of a second console-exclusive character in UNIST was first uncovered in April, when an Amazon Japan product listing included the information.
[update 1:13 p.m. CDT] An earlier version of this story said the magazine was unidentified. IPLAYWINNER has since received confirmation the magazine is Famitsu.