« "Road to King of Iron Fist" goes inside 2016's Tekken Tour, debuts May 16 »
A new documentary filmed during Bandai Namco's Tekken Tour will bring a closer look at the competitive side of Tekken to viewers on May 16.
"Road to King of Iron Fist" shows the journey of Tekken 7 players throughout months of competition leading up to and including the King of Iron Fist 2016 world finals in Tokyo, Japan.
The film was directed and produced by Esteban "The Besteban" Martinez in conjunction with Bandai Namco. According to Martinez, the documentary focuses on the "FGC-event side of the Tekken tour" and is "a great intro for non-Tekken fans."
"Road to King of Iron Fist" will debut on the official Tekken Twitch channel at 6 p.m. PDT (9 p.m. EDT) on May 16, 2017. The film will also be available to Amazon Prime users in the future.