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« Red Bull Proving Grounds fall 2017 season to culminate in Chicago »

Although the Red Bull Proving Grounds fall season has just begun, players now know where it will end: Chicago, Illinois.

Joe's Live in the suburb of Rosemont will play host to the finals of RBPG season as the event will be open to spectators for the first time on Oct. 21, 2017. 

For those unfamiliar with the RBPG, the competition starts with three separate event dates across 11 regions, where players compete in single-player tournaments for points. At the end of those qualifiers, the top three players in each region form a team—with one team coming from online events—that will compete in the final event. The finals are a one-day tournament where teams face off in a roun-robin format, with the best overall teams of the west and east coast divisions playing to determine a champion.

Prizes for the fall season of RBPG include $6,000 as well as airfare, lodging and entry into Red Bull Battle Grounds 2017 for the winning team and airfare for rest of the top eight placers on the winning region's leaderboard.

Readers can head to the official site for more information on Proving Grounds and check out the fall season trailer below.

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