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« Unreleased Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite-branded Razer Panthera arcade stick found on eBay »

In the world of arcade sticks, eBay is more known for people selling their used sticks. It's very uncommon to see unreleased sticks like this one from Razer.

Seller Lehigh Valley Comics and Collectibles listed a Razer Panthera arcade stick featuring Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite branding. The box features some of the characters from the game unique to the normal version of the Panthera as well as the Marvel Gamerverse imprint. The stick's front panel art is reminiscent of a promotional poster from the first Marvel vs. Capcom likely done by Long Vo, known for the Street Fighter V edition of the Panthera.

Game-specific branding on Razer's stick is nothing new from the company. With the Atrox arcade stick, they have released models featuring artwork from Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition, Ultra Street Fighter IV and Killer Instinct.

Feature-wise, this version of the Panthera seems to be the same such as the ability to open the stick as well as have Sanwa Denshi arcade parts.

Lehigh Valley had been selling the stick for $995 but pulled it early on May 4 due to "an error with the listing." There is currently no info on why this version of the Panthera wasn't released or if there are other models out in the wild. We reached out to both Razer as well as Lehigh Valley Comics and Collectibles for info and will update whenever possible.

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