« Street Fighter V update brings Cody, Devil May Cry costumes, Fighting Chance and changes to Survival Mode on June 25 »
Cody will coming to Street Fighter V a day earlier than expected, and he's bringing with him several new alterations to the game.
The biggest changes revolve around the game's Survival Mode. Used to unlock colors for each character in the game and earn experience, Survival will now feature new consumables, called Battle Goods, that will help give players an advantage in trying to finish off the CPU opponents. There will also be new options to save progress during Survival and even spend Fight Money to continue if players are defeated.
There will also be a new Fighting Chance Mode added to SFV, where players can spend 500 Fight Money to get random prizes, including exclusive colors and costumes, Battle Goods and art from the Street Fighter series.
Lastly, Devil May Cry costumes are coming to SFV. Two of the new outfits, Ken as Dante and Ed as Nero, will available for $3.99 each on release. A final costume, Laura as Gloria, will only be available through the game's Extra Battle Mode. This means players will have to complete four weekly challenges in the month of July to unlock the costume.
For images of the Ken and Ed costumes, including a sneak peak at the upcoming Air Man Extra Battle Mode costume for Rashid, readers can check out Capcom Unity.
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