« Tekken 7's second season of content starts Sept. 6, pricing revealed »
During Tokyo Tekken Masters, Tekken team revealed that the next wave of DLC will start for the game on Sept. 6, 2018.
Both Anna Williams and Lei Wulong will be available on that date, priced individually or as part of the season pass. Each character will cost 500 yen (roughly $4.50) while the season pass will cost 2800 yen (about $25). North American prices have not been announced for the content at this time.
The update that accompanies both characters will also include balance changes and the addition of wall bounce effects for many moves as well as a new autocombo feature and a ranking progress bar so players can see how far they are to the next level.
Tekken 7 is currently available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam.
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