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Entries by Sparkster (4)


QQ Games Bringing SNK Playmore's The King of Fighters '97, '98, 2002, & '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition 

Taiwan fighting game community group NESTSZERO, home to The King of Fighters XIII player Yang Yao Ren, have a tip that SNK Playmore is authorizing some of its fighters onto the QQ Game platform.

Testers have early access to KOF '97, '98, 2002, and '98 Ultimate Match Final Edition which will go public at an undisclosed date. '98UMFE has been a NESiCAxLive exclusive game, once only playable in Japan, up until now, so now the latest rebalance of '98 will be available to international players.

This info came following SNKP's partnership with Tencent, who owns and operates QQ, for providing both Terry Bogard and Benimaru from The King of Fighters series to be playable in Xuan Dou Zhi Wang/King of Combat.


Rumor: KOF Coming to Steam

Steam's game database which lays the groundwork for upcoming releases has been leaked on multiple sites. The King of Fighters '98: Ultimate MatchThe King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match, and the recent The King of Fighters XIII all surprisingly appear within the data mined.

This would mark a huge step forward for SNKPlaymore to finally support PC gaming and could be a major breakthrough for KOF players if the release includes an improved netcode over their console counterparts, which are unplayable online as of the present. There's also the possibility that Steam releases could included the most recently updated version of KOFXIII: Climax and '98 UM Final Edition which have been NESiCA exclusive.

The entire game list can be found here via NeoGAF.


DandyJ Releases New KOFXIII Tutorials, Plus IPW's Andy Guide Is Up!

AL|Dandy J, creator of the Beginner's Incomplete Guide to KOF, has been releasing new videos that cover system tricks for XIII. His new youtube channel, EXMrDandyJ, is dedicated entirely to KOF and contains four volumes of tips already.

Click to read more ...


IPW KOFXIII Guide Update - Benimaru

Our own KOFXIII Guide has been updated again, this time incorporating matchup information on the ever popular Benimaru. Give it a read if you're thirsting for more info on how to take down this juiced juggernaut, and stay tuned as the guide continues to get bigger each week.