Eric Choi mashing Ex. Messiah Kick while everyone watches in disgust.
Mike "thxyoutoo" Perlas gives a rundown of the Level|Up Series event, The Specialists 3, which was a 5 vs 5 regional exhibition that took place in Southern California. NorCal and Arizona were special guests for this event, and though team NorCal had strong players on the team, with the team lacking many NorCal "household names", the eventual outcome was one that most people did not expect.
California - a place of sunshine, greenery, and hot babes. In this mythical land movie stars roam free, everyone is always in a hurry, and we all dress the same. In California the people are laid back, some say crazy, while others dare say progressive. It is a strange place to be. This is the image people get when they think of this place. Yet, the reality is that California isn't as easy to describe as a flowchart. Ken would not want to live here...
Being a singular state, Californicators are often stereotyped. We step into a room and tell people, "We're Cali." They just respond, “Ooooh, you're one of those people.” However, things are not as simple as all that! California is the longest and third largest state in America. What does this mean? In reality, California is extremely diverse and almost should be considered two states, with a North and a South. When we introduce ourselves we specifically state “I'm from NorCal” or “I'm from SoCal”. It's our identity.
Having this internalized perception of differentiation within California, a natural rivalry began. We say “Hella”, while they say whatever the [f-bomb] they say in that mysterious part of that region (they totally/probably/most likely say “Heavena”). Yet with these differing identities we share similar and at times identical philosophies, vocabulary, wardrobes, and all eat the same things (In-N-Out Burger anyone?).
So where the [f-bomb] are you going with this, Mike? This last weekend was the Level|Up Series Specialists III. Many of you should already know that this is Alex Valle's current project in progressing and growing the fighting game scene/community. This event was a regional 5 on 5 exhibition, dividing So Cal into 6 regions. Additionally, 2 guest teams from Arizona and NorCal. Yours truly traveled with our team to be a guest commentator at the Level|Up event and be the NorCal cheer captain (not on the bleachers - like Taylor Swift).
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