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Entries by thxyoutoo (11)


Cool Story, Bro.

Actually, this is a cool story, Bro!  Everyone's favorite person, James Chen, tells a funny story about one of the first experiences Justin Wong had after moving to California.  I scoped this on the Arcade Infinity youtube channel today while trolling around the internetz.  

Welcome to California where we play tricks and make fun of you in public.



SoCal So Mad As NorCal Takes The Specialists 3

Eric Choi mashing Ex. Messiah Kick while everyone watches in disgust.

Mike "thxyoutoo" Perlas gives a rundown of the Level|Up Series event, The Specialists 3, which was a 5 vs 5 regional exhibition that took place in Southern California. NorCal and Arizona were special guests for this event, and though team NorCal had strong players on the team, with the team lacking many NorCal "household names", the eventual outcome was one that most people did not expect. 

California - a place of sunshine, greenery, and hot babes.  In this mythical land movie stars roam free, everyone is always in a hurry, and we all dress the same.  In California the people are laid back, some say crazy, while others dare say progressive.  It is a strange place to be.  This is the image people get when they think of this place.   Yet, the reality is that California isn't as easy to describe as a flowchart.  Ken would not want to live here...

Being a singular state, Californicators are often stereotyped.  We step into a room and tell people, "We're Cali." They just respond, “Ooooh, you're one of those people.”  However, things are not as simple as all that!  California is the longest and third largest state in America.  What does this mean?  In reality, California is extremely diverse and almost should be considered two states, with  a North and a South.  When we introduce ourselves we specifically state “I'm from NorCal” or “I'm from SoCal”.  It's our identity.

Having this internalized perception of differentiation within California,  a natural rivalry began.  We say “Hella”, while they say whatever the [f-bomb] they say in that mysterious part of that region (they totally/probably/most likely say “Heavena”).  Yet with these differing identities we share similar and at times identical philosophies, vocabulary, wardrobes, and all eat the same things (In-N-Out Burger anyone?).

So where the [f-bomb] are you going with this, Mike?  This last weekend was the Level|Up Series Specialists III.  Many of you should already know that this is Alex Valle's current project in progressing and growing the fighting game scene/community.   This event was a regional 5 on 5 exhibition, dividing So Cal into 6 regions.  Additionally, 2 guest teams from Arizona and NorCal.  Yours truly traveled with our team to be a guest commentator at the Level|Up event and be the NorCal cheer captain (not on the bleachers -  like Taylor Swift).

Click to read more ...


The Next Game Releases... What Is Important To You?

With Super Street Fighter 4 due out in less than two months and BlazBlue Continuim Shift due out within the same quarter, the next wave of hype is coming.  No doubt, there will be huge excitement; perhaps we will see more than last year.  There isn't a question over if this new year will be a fun one - we know it will be.  There isn't a worry about coverage of these games - wheels are in motion and preparation to bring the masses more VODs and Live Streams than ever imagined in the last year.  This is true for IPW and of course sites such as uFrag, Get Your Tournament, Frame Advantage, and every YouTube All-star that ever lived.

The thing that we don't know?  What is important to you as we transition into this new year?  In regards to media what do you want to see continue?  What do you want to see develop?  What wacky idea is brewing in your head that nobody has done yet that you wish to see?

With these new games, we at IPW want to make sure you people get what you want.  Not everyone can play with real top level competitors, and we brought you the "Haunts vs the World" series.  Some of you had never understood the culture and personalities that the fighting game scene has, and we brought you live broadcasts of real fighting game training sessions, such as Keystone II.  Some of you were only ever exposed to online level play, and we brought real high level tournaments, like Nor Cal Regionals 2009, to your very own home - live!

Yet, I feel that all of this was still not enough.  There has to be something more.  There has got to be something we are missing.  I can feel it, I just can't put my finger on it.  Please share with us your hopes for the future as you join us for yet another hype year.

With that, I leave with one final teaser.  


Nor Cal Strong Style 4 @ Sunnyvale, CA

Yo!  What's up all?  This weekend we have a special stream for everyone.  Saturday and Sunday we will be broadcasting Strong Style 4 from Sunnyvale, CA.  This event is a Tekken centered Major.

This weekend you will be seeing a lot of top Tekken names such as:

  • Bronson Tran (Tekken 4 and 5 National Champion)
  • Mr. Naps (SVGL CHAMP)
  • Fab (NCR 2009 - 1st)
  • RIP (NCR 2009 - 2nd)
  • Aris (NCR 2009 - Top 8)
  • MYK (Comicon 2009)
  • Chetchetty (Tekken 6 Nationals Champion)
  • Suiken (EVO 2009)
  • Crow (EVO 2005 Champ)



Live Broadcasting by Ustream


An Upcoming Strong Stream w/ Style

Strong Style 4 01/30/2010 - 01/31/2010 Ok so this has been a bit hush hush while we were flushing out details... However, we at I Play Winner are pleased to make a special announcement to the Tekken 6 fans!  I Play Winner will be broadcasting Nor Cal Strong Style 4 live at the Doman Hotel in Sunnyvale, Ca.

This is big news for the Tekken guys.  Strong Style is a major event in which competitors from out of state (and a few from out of the country) come to compete.  This event will be using the same venue as NCR 2009.  The IPW staff is looking very forward to working with the Strong Style staff and bringing you guys another great weekend of intense matches.

Please remember to tune in, get hype, and get ready for the next battle!



So we all know Ricky Ortiz bodies fools in anything Street Fighter up in Northern California.  After NCR2009 he clearly showed he was the most dominating player in California winning CvS2, 3s, and SF4.  But did you know he scrapes fools in Rock, Paper, Scissors??

Obviously Ricky's mind games and setups go beyond just fighting games - they have every day applications as well. Lets think about it this way - Super Street Fighter IV will be nothing but one big RPS Fight.  Every time Dictator throws out scissors Cody is just gunna throw out rock.  However, if we really theorize the fight I believe Dictator still wins the matchup on paper.  

 Please check out RPSFighter's channel for more RPS matches with SF4 celebrities such as Filipino Champ, Keno, Gootecks, and Daigo!



2010 Don't Cross the Streams

IPW will be bringing you a ton of event coverage in 2010!What's up all?  2010 is just around the corner and I just wanted to give ya'll a heads up on what the New Year will bring.  The IPW crew will be in full effect delivering live broadcasts of fighting game tournaments (primarily Street Fighter IV) almost weekly.  Not only that but some weeks will have multiple broadcasts!  These broadcasts will range from small events (such as Nor Cal sessions) to Major Tournaments (such as NCR2009).  Too keep up to date on our live broadcasts please check here regularly and also please register at Ustream and follow/subscribe to our channel!


This weekend we will be delivering live broadcasts on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!  Wow 3 Streams in one?

iPlayWinner USTREAM Channel
01/02/10 Pakside 2v2 Exhibition

  1. Keystone 2 (Friday 9PM PST) - Ranbat - IPW's very own Haunts will be broadcasting you with the Keystone 2 Weakly Scambats!  Keystone 2 is a home arcade located in Nor Cal where many of the best players of Nor Cal duke it out in a single elimination tournament.  Check this out on Friday!
  2. Pakside (Saturday)- 2V2 Tournament - I (thxyoutoo) will be live streaming the Pakside 2v2 exhibition tournament.  Pakside is another home arcade located in Nor Cal where the best players in the Sacramento Area come to play.  This week they are doing a 2v2 exhibition tournament to celebrate the new year!  Join us there Saturday!
  3. Shadowbrooke (Sunday 12PM PST) - Singles Tournament - On the final day of the weekend the IPW Crew will be getting together to broadcast the Shadowbrooke weekly tournament in Concord, CA.  Last week Filipino Champ (The West Coast Dhalsim) won, while Hydro (The US Blanka) won the week before.  Who will win Shadowbrooke 3?  Tune in Sunday to find out!

Click to read more ...



Where: Shadowbrooke Games, 1800 Monument Blvd #M, concord CA.
What: Street Fighter 4, Double Elimination, 2/3 rounds.
Stream will start around 2PM PST.

VIP List So Far:
Ricky Ortiz
Filipino Champ
Today's stream is brought to you by ThxYouToo of iPlayWinner!

DROM'S Tourney Results and Report

This event was very surprising to everyone.  It was an event that there was not a lot of hype about.  We didn't really advertise the event too much and were expecting a very small turnout of about 12 people.  However, I am pleased to say that we ended up having 30 total entries.  At $8 a person towards the prize pot ($2 to venue) there was quite a lot of money on the line.

This event served as quite a good experience to myself as we approach closer and closer to NCR.  This may be news to some people - we at I Play Winner will be covering the Nor Cal Regionals so please join us here for the livestream if you are unable to attend.  This was officially my first  "big" event to Stream and Commentate and it was extremely fun.

To the people that got a chance to view the stream please drop in a comment.  Let us know how the quality, smoothness, an commentating was.  We are determined to provide the best streams out there and need your help in order to do so!  We aim to be the premiere spot for all media coverage not only in Nor Cal but we aim to be the best period.

Thanks to all participants that came out today.  Thanks to all people who tuned in.  Finally, thanks to Drom's Comics and Cards for hosting a very fun event.  I hope it was enjoyable for those who tuned in!  See you guys in 2 weeks for NCR!  GET HYPE!

Drom’s Comics and Cards 8 November 2009
30 Entrants

1 Filipino Champ ($168)
2 Eric Choi ($48)
3 Tihn ($24)
4 Hiro
5 Masarap
5 Popo
7 Allen Chang
7 Ramin

Click to read more ...


Hori Tekken 6 Stick Review!

What's up guys?  Yesterday Tekken 6 released and I got my dirty hands on the Bundle Pack.  Within it I got a hold of the wireless arcade stick that everyone has been so interested in.  People have been very worried and concerned as to the quality of product Hori would make and I would just like to be the first one to say I rather enjoy this unit for what it is and am glad to be in possession of one! Check out my quick little review on it below!




Tekken 6 Releases & Gamestop Tournament Announced!

Well it looks like Gamestop is at it again!  Back in February Capcom and Gamestop teamed together to bring an awesome nationwide tournament for Street Fighter IV.  Well it seems Gamestop is back but this time they are teaming up with Namco for the Tekken 6 release!

Tekken 6 officially releases tomorrow (or tonight at midnight for some of the lucky few) and this weekend on October 31st (Happy Halloween!) the King of the Ironfist Tournament will commence.  This is exciting news for all those Tekken players that have been hungry for this and have had to live with the Street Fighter IV hype this past year.  Tekken has been a more popular franchise than Street Fighter in countries other than the United States so it will be interesting to see how the fighting game scene responds to this announcement.

One thing for sure - I am unpleased with the announcement that you are still unable to bring your own arcade sticks.  Perhaps the gamestops will provide wireless hori sticks to play with, though that is doubtful.  You guys may want to practice this first week of Tekken 6 on that control pad!

For official rules and details on which stores near you are hosting the King of the Ironfist Tournament, please follow this link!