Canada Cup Gaming issues lifetime bans over bracket tampering
Canada Cup Gaming has released a statement following rules violations that occurred during Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite at Canda Cup 2017 in late October.
During the event, Jose Aldape—formerly known as "Quackbot" and now using the handle "PC Marvel God"—played in two separate MvCI pools, first his own and then taking the place of Lina "Holy Order-Troll" Crawford in a separate pool. This was no accident, as Aldape later admitted he deserved punishment and Crawford saw no problem with giving him her spot. Because of the tampering, the second pool had to be replayed.
After deliberation, Canada Cup Gaming has banned both players for life from its events. According to a statement from CCG, "players who misrepresent themselves under another player’s gamertag or multiple gamertags (with and without consent) undermine the legitimacy of tournament events." Canada Cup also offered apologies to those affected by the two players' actions.
Readers can check out the full statement from CCG after the jump.