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Entries in Thems Fightin Herds (2)


Them's Fightin' Herds coming to PC on Feb. 22

Mane 6's upcoming four-legged fighter has an official release date for the end of February 2018.

Them's Fightin' Herds will launch on Feb. 22 with six characters; a "unique overworld story mode" and online lobby system using pixel art; and GGPO netplay. A seventh character—a goat—will be added to the game after release and according to the Mane6 Twitter account the team plans to bring the game to Apple and Linux platforms within 2018.

The title will see its first official launch despite being available in its earliest days as a My Little Pony fan game, named Fighting is Magic, before twists and turns changed the final product.

Readers interested in Them's Fightin' Herds can head over to Steam for more information on the title, and can check out trailer after the jump.

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Them's Fightin' Herds Successfully Funded

Super Desperation Radio's Hellpockets can now rejoice because the Indiegogo for Mane 6's original fighting game has succeeded. With 60 hours left for possible funding, Them's Fightin Herds has met its $436,000 goal and will proceed to development.

TFH has had a long road to this point, originally starting as an unlicensed fan game featuring characters from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic before threats of legal action shelved the project. However, the Mane 6 team found new life when FiM producer and developer Lauren Faust got involved and helped create a brand new cast of original characters for the game to use.

While the game will now move into development, there are still several stretch goals including ports to Linux and Mac and a seventh character that can be reached before the campaign ends. Those wanting to support the game can head over to its Indiegogo page.