Damage #'s are (Standing/Crouching/Air)
L - LIGHT (53k/48k/50k)
Crouching L chains into itself. Standing L does not chain into itself and may occasionally whiff against crouching opponents. Jump L can be used as an instant overhead to create combo/mixup opportunites.
M - MEDIUM (67k/70k/70k)
Standing M has a long horizontal reach and can occasionally be used as an anti-air to start combo's. Crouching M can also be used as an anti-air to begin a combo although the horizontal reach is much shorter.
H - HARD (95k/78k/80k)
Standing H has decent vertical/horizontal reach, but it lifts the opponent in the air. Crouching H is a standard knockdown move which can be followed up by S. Jumping H hits above and in front of Wolverine and is a good way to simply make someone block once they get by it once or twice.
S - EXCHANGE (80k/NA/90k)
Standard launcher. Jump S is also a cross-up.
(IN AIR) DOWN + H (75k)
This move is Wolverine's Dive Kick. It is unsafe if it is whiffed or blocked so use with caution.
DOWN + M (70k)
Wolverine's Slide. You can use an assist before the slide to creat combo opportunites. You can also X-Factor from the slide to begin a combo as well.