Not to say that other Street Fighter games aren't, but it's becoming pretty apparent these days that you can get away with playing pretty much anyone in SFIV, rack up some victories and even win tournaments if you know what you're doing. After hearing about Iyo's victory with Dhalsim over RF's Sagat at the Japanese Nationals Tournament, seeing Vega and El Fuerte do serious damage to "top tier" characters in SoCal and then to find out a Honda placed second at the same tournament I have to wonder if this trend will continue over the years.
Months and months ago I commented that a lot of tournament results were pretty varied with different characters all over the place, thinking that the game was just too new and over the course of time this would change. Well, the game has been out over 6 months now, and people are playing at a relatively advanced level already and not too much has changed. This is pretty refreshing after years and years of playing Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and going to tournaments that were essentially nothing but Ken and Chun-Li.
Virtua Fighter 5 is one of my favorite games, and this is one of the main reasons I enjoy playing it so much. Not only is there a lot of depth in the game itself, but you end up playing against so many different characters, it really forces you to think about the game a little more than just a handful of match ups. You really have to be prepared to run into any character and know they can easily beat you if you don't understand what they are capable of.
Compare that to some other games, where the strong characters in the game are so much better than the low tier and average characters, you don't even really have to know the match up if you play a top tier character, you can simply just dominate with your game plan. This doesn't make the game bad or any less fun to play at it's core, but I know I am not alone when I say that having the opportunity to play against a ton of different characters with different strategies can only make a game more enjoyable in the long run.
Hopefully the console release of Street Fighter IV with all the additions to the roster does not screw with the balance the original arcade cast, but we will have to wait and see. 26 days to go!