Our friends over at Frame-Advantage.com posted up some videos from Seasons Beatings, not of the actual tourney but some money matches between top players and Daigo. As expected the gameplay is top notch, but Chris Hu's commentary is what really sends it over the top. I'm just posting a couple matches out of many from FADC's channel, so be sure to check out the rest!

Daigo Money Match results from Justin Wong, via NeoGaf.
Daigo Money Matches in Room 103
Daigo vs Vegita X(Gief) - 3-0
Daigo vs Floe (Sagat) 5-0
Daigo vs DS (Balrog) 5-0
Daigo vs vvvscrub (5-2)
Daigo vs Sanford(Akuma) 5-1
Daigo vs Andre (Bison) 3-2