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about 11 years ago

« Marvel vs Capcom 2 patch getting closer »

Fans rejoiced earlier this year when Capcom finally confirmed that Marvel vs Capcom 2 would be released on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 as a downloadable title.  Capcom hoped that this re-release would be the definitive version of the game, featuring the same acclaimed network features as Super Street Fighter 2 HD Remix, everything unlocked from the beginning, and sharp looking graphics filters to update the game's visuals.

Soon after release, reports of bugs, crashes, and other inconsistencies have surfaced.  Enough problems have surfaced that many tournaments have resumed using the Sega Dreamcast version for their events. Capcom revealed in August that they were aware of the many reports of bugs, crashes, and inconsistencies and that they were working on a patch but that we shouldn't "expect a patch to be released for a month or two" due to development, testing, and approval.

Yesterday, JimmyRey of Capcom issued an update on the status of the patch via the Capcom Unity forums. He said that "...we are working on a patch and we're actually winding down and hope to submit soon.  When I have a confirmed release schedule, I'll announce it on the blog along with the patch contents."

This is great news for those, like myself, who purchased Marvel vs Capcom 2 on a modern console and hoped that it would live up to being the definitive version of a Capcom classic.

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