Yo! I asked our fans what the #1 thing they want to see more of on iPlayWinner, and the answer is podcasts! So here we are with episode 4, bringing back Pherai from Denjin Arcade and also introducing LVC, one of our newer contributors to iPlayWinner. Don't worry, Oichi from Versus City will return!
We are going to make the format more of an open discussion about fighting games moving forward so we can produce more podcasts on a more regular basis. We cant always guarantee international guests, but we feel there are enough people in the community and enough topics to cover to make this a more frequent occurrence.
In this episode we cover a range of topics such as:
- iPW Site Updates
- Bar Fights II and what the West Coast needs to do to get better.
- Strategy involving limiting your opponents options.
- Tekken and other games we are currently playing.
- Can a fighting game survive without solid netcode!?
..among various other topics that come up as well.
If you guys like this format let us know! if you have ideas for topics and guests, let us know! We hope you enjoy it!
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