
« Super Street Fighter 4 Online Modes Confirmed: New Tournament Mode Revealed! »

The "big announcement" we were expecting is finally here. Some of this information leaked out early but there's a lot of great stuff in here, and it's all official now.  They have said that they are listening to what the fans have been asking for in making this game, and it is obvious.  The new Tournament Mode sounds like an amazing new mode!

New trailer highlighting the modes unveiled



Endless Battle (Quarter Match Mode is Confirmed!)

This is the mode many of you have been asking for. Endless Mode is another name for what is called Quarter Match mode in Super Street Fighter II HD Remix. 

  • As the name suggests, you can play endlessly in this mode. 
  • In this mode the winner stays and the loser goes to the back of the line to wait for his turn to challenge the current room champion. 
  • When you are not in the match you can spectate and even talk amongst yourselves using voice chat. 
  • This mode is for up to 8 players.

Team Battle

  • This mode is for up to 8 players broken into 2 teams: Red and Blue team.
  • Players can manually set up teams or players can be automatically split into 2 teams based on their Player Points. Even if Player Points of individual players are uneven, the teams that are automatically generated will try to produce a combined level for both teams which is as even as possible.
  • Once teams are decided, you can decide the order in which the players on a team will take their turns. You can also let the game automatically decide the order.
  • You can create Team matchups in any combination of 8 players!! You can do 2 on 2, 3 on 3, or 4 on 4 for even matchups. However, you can also do mis-matched teams where 1 can face 7, 2 can face 6, and so forth! 
  • You can use the Arcade Request feature for this mode. You can play in arcade mode until the room is filled.
  • Like Endless Battle Mode, when you are not playing in a match you can spectate and talk amongst yourselves using voice chat.
  • You can invite specific players to be on your team.

Replay Channel

(This is a direct translation by Jigsaw of the description of this mode from the Japanese Super SF4 Blog)

This is the mode that Taguchi and his engineers have been working on harder than anything else!

You've all been requesting "We want to watch match replays!", and here is our response - a new ground-breaking feature following the Arcade Request, a mode where you can watch match replays with (almost) no limits!

As you're fighting, round up a collection of replays. Afterwards, watch them with one hand in your bag of potato chips, just as if you're watching TV.

In this mode, there are several different channels, so if you feel like "I just want to see matches with boss characters!" or "I just want to see matches with the new characters!" you can narrow down your search to whatever you want to watch. In addition, you can save your favourite replays to your "My list" channel and just watch those.

The "My list" is just for you... but the replays in all other channels will be shared with all the players across the world, so please enjoy watching them together while voice chatting!


This mode is a surprise! This is not the Championship Mode that was added via DLC to Street Fighter 4.  It looks to be an ultimate version of the tournament mode in Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD Remix!  This mode will be released as DLC after the game goes on sale.

  • Recruit up to 8 players and hold your own tournaments!
  • Spectate the other players' matches!
  • Voice chat! (with 9 people, including the tournament organizer)
  • Save replays, even from matches where you were only a spectator!
  • Visual tournament brackets and results!
  • Award tournament winners with unique titles!

To summarize, the biggest difference from Championship Mode is that you now can host your own tournaments!


  • You can find more screenshots of the bonus stages here.
  • New voice samples for all 25 returning characters will be recorded. If you want to hear some of the voices, they have added voice samples to all of the character bios they currently have up on their Japanese Super SF4 site. Go here to give them a listen.
  • If you want more screenshots of the online mode screens, go here. They are in Japanese but at least you can see what they look like.


Avalanche of Awesome!

Sources: This information originated from Capcom Japan's Super SF4 website.  Big thanks to Jigsaw for his awesome and timely translations, so that Street Fighter fans around the world can get this information. If you wish to read his translation of the Japanese Super SF4 Blog post where this information came from, visit his Blog on Capcom Unity here.

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