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« IPW Forum Talk-back: Readers' Opinions on new Alternate Costumes »

Last week we posted a thread in the IPW Forums asking readers for their opinions on the new alternate costumes for Super Street Fighter 4.  The opinions were extremely varied.  The opinions on Zangief's and Chun Li's new alternate costumes in particular were very vocal!

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juniormints: "Pretty upset that Chun Li did NOT receive her Alpha costume as her alt. Her newest alt is horrible. Simply horrible. Balrog so far... has the best one. ... Chun Li's sucked balls. It was the WORST of them all. The dress doesnt even make any sense. It looked like some idiot sewed pieces of her original costume together in shitty pieces. THIS ISNT PROJECT RUNWAY. THIS ISNT SCIENCE. GIVE ME HER ALPHA COSTUME RIGHT NOW."

Spiron: "Over the top for sure, but i think with alts that over the top is the way to go.  Also Cammy side boob is never a bad deal. LOCK ON!"

Jorge: "Cammy's looks cool. Zangief not so much. Chun-Li is not as sexy anymore, but I still think she looks good. Dan is hilarious. Balrog is cool too."

topdawk122: "Zangief was a little too over the top for sure, and I'm not really diggin Cammy as M Bison either. The other look good though and diggin the new ultras so far too."

tainted: "Zangief looks stupid. They got lazy with cammy's costume. Rufus's costume (chinese vampire) looks awesome. Dan's costume is funny. Balrog is very fitting. Chun Li's is not that bad but also not that great."

McBradders: "I like 'em. The last set were, mostly, totally underwhelming and felt very "safe". This set is totally batshit and that's something I can really get behind. Especially Cammy's. That is really cool. :)"


Omg! Zangief merged with Ironman and Colossus and now look what happened. I like his new costume alot...just wish Capcom would go all the way and take out the Z on his belt buckle and replace it with a star and sickle. Guess they don't want to offend anyone?

I agree that Cammy's is a bit dumb. Why dress her up as another character of the game? Why don't they just give Rufus Cammy's costume then? Oh damn hold on *HURL*

Speakin of which Rufus' new gettup reminds me of Hsien-Ko from Darkstalkers. They both have that little pricetag on their hats that block their view. What does rufus need to see anyway? He's got EX messaiah.

Boxer's is predictable. He's black so lets just dress him up with all kinds of BLING, right? *yawn*

Sure, why not. Not a big fan of this one. They could've done us some fan service and given us Cyber-Dan. But hey, whatevs."

JBARDOLPH: "Mech gief looks like ARSE. Why have they given him a robot gimp suit? He needs to look more like marvel mech gief - just make him blue, red eyes and a metallic sheen. It's that simple."

TheBlackFlash: "...last time i checked, chun was not a clown!"


"Zangief - not bad, maybe a little too colossus lookin. I liked the charcoal gief from mvc1 better.
Cammy - pretty cool but wheres doll cammy? ffs
Balrog - best one yet, he always gets the cool costumes
Rufus - Dumb. What the hell does this got to do with him?
Dan - Um, i dont get it either. Maybe this shoulda been a costume for honda or blanka.
Mickey Mouse Chun - utter failure."

Shway: "The Mech Zangief is pretty odd and the only thing about it that bugs me is the representation of his chest hair.... it's absurd and I kinda just see it being really clip happy with the rest of the model.  Dan's is funny as hell! The grass skirt seem oddly perfect for him lol
Rufus has a cool costume.... but why is he a vampire? and idk if most americans will get that reference haha.  I personally really like Cammy's new costume, it looks cool and oh well that it's a knock from another character. It looks a lot better on her anyway!
The chun costume is pretty absurd and wtf inducing,
Balrogs is dope, it just LOOKS cocky lol I think it fits a boxer like him."

8ight: "They look great imo. Very interesting."

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