« Super Street Fighter 4: How New Alternate Costumes will Work »
On or around October 26th (depending on which system you own), the first pack of new alternate costumes will be available to download on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
The first sets of alternate costumes were actually included on the disk, requiring no downloading. You only purchased a key to unlock them. This new set is the first that are not included on the disk, requiring full download and a patch to get them to work properly.
According to Andriasang, here's how things will work for the latest alternate costumes. When you turn on the game while connected online after the costumes become available, you will automatically download an update. This update is mandatory.
As mentioned earlier, this set requires a full download instead of a key unlock. Because of this, you will need to have space available on your hard drive (Capcom hasn't said how much is required).
As you would suspect, any costumes that you purchase from this new series of of costumes will appear in the game as Alternate 3 or Alternate 2, depending on the character.
But since the costumes are not on the disk, what happens if you play against someone who is using a costume you haven't purchased? When this happens, you'll see a message stating that the custume the player has selected does not exist and the game will default to the character's original costume. It will do the same thing if you play a replay where one or both players are using costumes you haven't purchased.
So how do you remedy this? Xbox 360 owners can download a free "catalogue" item. Once you do so, you'll be able to see costumes you haven't purchased in fights and replays as normal. The Catalogue will be released in two sets. One will release on October 26th and will include the Challenger's Pack 1, Shoryuken Pack and Beauty Pack. The second will be released on December 21st and will include Challenger's Pack 2, Gowan Pack, Shadaloo Pack and Classic Pack.
No mention of the Catalogue was made for the Playstation 3 version, but we suspect it will either be available in the same timeframes or, instead of somethign you have to download on your own via Xbox Marketplace, the Playstation 3 version of the game will auto-patch itself.