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« Top 3 Biggest Rosters in a Fighting Game »


Capcom Unity reader JiCi posed an interesting question on Capcom Unity's Ask Capcom Forum. He posted the top 3 biggest rosters in a fighting game and asked if Capcom will someday break the record and become number one!  Interestingly, he also took the time to research a possible method for doing this without making another "vs" game which is very interesting.  JiCi's post was more interesting than Capcom's replies, but Seth Killian and Christian Svensson's responses are printed below as well.

Again thanks to Valkyrie for the tip.



1) Mortal Kombat: Armageddon from Midway: 64 characters
2) Marvel vs Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes from Capcom: 56 characters
3) Samurai Shodown VI from SNK Playmore: 52 characters

Will Capcom someday the record that Midway is holding for "biggest roster in a fighting game" with Mortal Kombat Armageddon ?"

One way Capcom could break this record without resorting to another "VS. Capcom" game would be to make a dream-match Street Fighter title.

(For those who don't know, a "dream match" is basically a fighting game with characters from many other iterations of a certain series that disregard anything that belongs to the actual storyline of the series; dead characters, boss characters, characters who left the story can all be used in a "dream match"; it's technically a "who would win between this and that character ?" type of game)

If we take all characters from all SF games, we get a grand total of 72 characters:

1.Street Fighter 1 (Ryu, Ken, Retsu, Geki, Joe, Mike, Lee, Gen, Birdie, Eagle, Adon, Sagat [12])
2.Street Fighter 2 (Chun-Li, Blanka, E. Honda, Guile, Dhalsim, Zangief, Balrog, Vega, M. Bison, T. Hawk, Cammy, Fei Long, Dee Jay, Akuma [14])
3.Street Fighter Alpha (Charlie, Sodom, Guy, Rose, Sakura, Dan, Rolento, R. Mika, Cody, Karin, Juni, Juli, Maki, Ingrid [13])
4.Street Fighter 3 (Alex, Yun, Yang, Dudley, Ibuki, Oro, Elena, Sean, Necro, Gill, Hugo, Urien, Remy, Makoto, Twelve, Q [16])
5.Street Fighter 4 (C. Viper, Abel, El Fuerte, Rufus, Seth, Gouken, Juri, Hakan [8])
6.Final Fight (Haggar, Dean, Carlos, Lucia, Kyle, Poison, El Gado, Damnd, Edi E. [9])

Christian Svensson:

Some day maybe, but I don't think that will happen any time soon.

Seth Killian:

There's more to a great fighting game than a big roster, right?  If you'd rather play MK: Armageddon or SamShoVI than MVC2, that's your funeral. :)

Source: Capcom Unity's Ask Capcom Forum

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