In a recent interview with Street Fighter 4 producer Yoshinori Ono, conducted by Shacknews, they ask Ono what his dream project would be. He responds that if had the resources and permission to do so, he would create the next installment of Darkstalkers.
As far as I know, Ono has mentioned in previous interviews that he would love to work on a new Darkstalkers so this could be more than just a "dream project" by now, but is that what the fans want? Would you rather have another Darkstalkers or Capcom vs SNK3? Perhaps a new crossover game such as ARC System Works vs CAPCOM?
Here is an excerpt from the interview, and hit this link for the rest:
Shack: Do you know your next project? If not, do you have a dream project you'd like to do?
Yoshinori Ono: The project I really want to work on right now is to take my wife to Disneyland again. We've been married for 10 years and haven't been back since. That's my big project at the moment.
As far as a dream project is concerned, there is another fighting game series established shortly after I started at Capcom. A little something called Darkstalkers. If I was given the resources and permission to do so, I'd love to make a new Darkstalkers.
Shack: Would it use the Street Fighter IV engine?
Yoshinori Ono: It would probably mimic the visual style, but because the animation in Darkstalkers involves a lot of exaggeration and deformation, it might require an actual Darkstalkers engine, so to speak. We'd probably have to work on it a lot.
Source: Shacknews