« Daigo Answers Questions at Capcom Unity »
Daigo "The Beast" Umehara is known to be reclusive. However, it seems like he has started to become more outspoken in recent months. This time he has chosen to answer some of the questions that were sent to him via Capcom Unity. Here's a sample. Please hit the source link below to visit Capcom Unity to read the rest:
If US is behind Japan in rankings, what do you think American players should do to improve themselves?
Daigo: The absolute differences between the US and Japanese players are skill levels. Yes, the Japanese players have had advantages of having a rich arcade culture and game releases normally earlier there than in the US, but regardless of the advantages, it is definitely apparent that the Japanese players take it more seriously to practice and acquire skills they must have for their victory. As long as you have software at home, everyone can practice fundamental skills from anywhere in world, like combos and counter moves. The US players first have to close the skill gap that is now apparent from the Japanese players. Once you do that, I believe the almost all the improvements are made, and there will be nearly no differences between the US and Japanese players.
Source: Capcom Unity

Daigo has started his own website. It's at daigothebeast.com (what an awesome url!). It contains videos and other Daigo stuff. Check it out if you're a Daigo fan.