« Street Fighter 4 is a success on iPhone. They have plans for DLC already, and why no Super? »
Street Fighter IV is already looking like it's quite a success on the iPhone, having already landing on the top 10 charts for gaming. Capcom is already looking at future plans for the game and to possibly follow it up with other fighting game titles on the iPhone.
Capcom's Takeshi Tezuka has told Kotaku that Capcom already has plans for downloadable content for Street Fighter IV iPhone, but nothing is yet set in stone. He also said that if this game sells well enough it's possible that the publisher could start looking at their popular Versus series of games for the next title they might bring to the iPhone.
Why not bring Super Street Fighter IV to the iPhone instead of Street Fighter IV?
"We couldn't release Super Street Fighter IV before the console version because (Super Street Fighter IV Producer Yoshinori) Ono is going to get annoyed," Tezuka-san said. "At some point, though, it would be very interesting if we could release the console version and the iPhone version at the same time."
Source: Kotaku