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« Capcom Store Now Taking Preorders for Super Street Fighter 4 Dojo Edition »

You can pre-order the Super Street Fighter 4: Dojo Edition now for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 for $79.99.  This collector's edition is only available through the Capcom Store and has items you can't get anywhere else. Here's what's included:

• Super Street Fighter IV game
• Super Street Fighter IV Dojo Edition Gym Bag
• T-shirt featuring Dudley tossing his rose
• 24 oz aluminum water bottle with carabiner (BPA free) featuring Ibuki
• Super Street Fighter IV Dojo Edition head band
• 1 GB USB drive featuring Juri and containing character art, wallpapers, comics and more...

Reader Comments (17) that supposed to be the new character art? I hope not cause it still looks shopped. If they are gonna change it, at least put effort into it. It seems like they don't give a fuck. Just saying, they had like what 1 month to make it better? Oh well you win some, you lose some.

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDridion

Also meant box art.

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDridion

It's somewhat sad that I work at a game store and am now considering cancelling my pre-order so I can order this one instead. Mainly for the shirt, but the bag is awesome too. And a USB drive is always nice. Hmm. Have to ponder this one.

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterVector

I forgot about all the dojo's that supply memory sticks. The only thing dojo about that dojo edition is the headband and that's lame as well. I'm not Ralph Machio.

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterMurtaza Nabizadah

$40 more for Cafepress shit.

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterAnon

if it included the amazon preorder dlc, i'd get it. otherwise it just seems like a waste of money for me

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChoysauce

b4 u buy this, just be warned the shirt will most likely be xxxxxl. like every other game that comes with a shirt. So if ur 600 lbs or if u accidently got ur girlfriend pregnant then go for it!

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHardbody

Lmao, an extra 40$ for this? Don't get Me wrong that's a lot of nice stuff, but I'm still stoked about the 40$ original price tag. I think I'll stick with the original plan of paying 40$ for it.

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterDaFamX

Crappppp, I hate being an SF/Capcom fanboy sometimes. This stuff looks really cool but I was really holding out for that CE that the Japanese are getting. It doo doos on this imo. Unless there is a lot of other cool content on that flash drive, i'll prolly just cop the standard edition...:(

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterNEGRO JUSTICE

@Hardbody: Good point! Regular edition it is for me, then! XD

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterVector

Im kinda hoping I can get my hands on the japanese collectors! That looks totally sick! :D

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterI2TDIReaper

Id rather buy 2 copies, than this crap there offering. I pre-ordered off of amazon, since i dont have that costume pack..Copy&Paste images on random crap isnt worth 40 dollars.

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterbrokenTEstick

All I want is the usb drive.

March 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterRomeoisburning

@Murtaza nabizadah
+10 pts for working and know who ralph machio is into your comment lol.

Hhhmmm.. Id be seriously surprised if anyone got this.. Other than the shirt. Its a complete waste. Id "heh" at anyone who would use the headband or the gym bag at the gym. Lol. Water bottle and USB are KINDA cool, but they'd be better if they had cool designs.. Instead of Copy and Paste stuff. :/ Alot of people are just gonna stick with the $40 version. Capcom shoulda thought this one out.

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterTheChain

I'd rather they make bags for joysticks. It would be the only thing I would really use. But even then it wouldn't be worth it.

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterNagglepuss

Yeah Naggle I agree. A stick bag would be cool. The only thing that would push me over into, "ok i'll cop this" territory is if the USB drive had command sheets or the tourney vids of top players or some of the other stuff from the Japanese CE. Someone needs to find out what's on that drive...

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterNEGRO JUSTICE

Damn, I really want to like this, but it's just not very good. It doesn't even make a whole lot of sense. It's just like...a bunch of convention swag that they normally give away for free.

Special editions are supposed to make the geek in you squeal like a girl, not just be a load of promotional odds and ends...

And an extra 40 bucks is asking quite a bit, I think...

Damn. Oh well.

March 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterMonsterGoGo
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