« Amazon Offering Release Date Delivery for Super Street Fighter 4 with Pre-Order »
There was one thing that was personally giving me pause about buying Super Street Fighter 4 from Amazon. After all, if you pre-order the game with them, you get $10 off a future game purchase from them PLUS the Super Classic Costume Pack (alternate costumes for Fei Long, Blanka, Guile, Dhalsim, and Gen) for free! However, I didn't want to have to wait for it to be delivered while everybody else was living the hype on launch day. Well, I got word that this is no longer the case!
Amazon has now given Release-Date Delivery to the game. If you pre-order Super Street Fighter 4 from Amazon, it will be delivered to your house on the day that the game officially releases.
You can get it here for $39.99 for the Xbox 360 or here for the Playstation 3 version for $36.99.
Thanks to @SpeedBrkr via Twitter for the tip!