« Capcom Aims at 2 Million in Sales for Marvel vs Capcom 3 »
Capcom and Marvel hope to unite for big sales.
Capcom has revealed that it is aiming to sell 2 million or more copies of Marvel vs Capcom 3. This was revealed at a recent financial presentation where the company outlined its sales projections, goals and strategies.
Included in the financial presentation documents was the following list of major title sales targets for Capcom's fiscal year 2010 (which ends March 31, 2011).
- Monster Hunter Freedom 3 (PSP): 3.6 million
- Dead Rising 2 (PS3/X360): 3.0 million
- Lost Planet 2 (PS3/X360): 2.2 million
- Marvel VS Capcom 3 (PS3/X360): 2.0 million
You can view the financial documents in english by hitting the source below.
Source: Capcom Investor Relations