« KING OF FIGHTERS XIII Technical Reference Chapter 7 & 25 Minute Gameplay Special »
SNK Playmore released the the Technical Reference Chapter 7, this time featuring the Women Fighters Team consisting of Mai, Yuri and King. Much like previous movies, you'll get a glimpse of their EX and NEO MAX Attacks with a few different combos and set ups to boot.
Next up, a King of Fighters XIII Special has surfaced, which is a 25 minute video that contains a some solid gameplay with the players demonstrating not only some nice combos but some practical uses of NEO MAX attacks as well.
Reader Comments (3)
lol @ Mai's MAX super being a fiery explosion of the character for woman while shouting "me bouncy!!"
Game is looking very good. I wait with cautious optimism. If they added Vanessa, that cautious optimism would turn into blind, unadulterated hype.
Speaking of which, is the roster finalized for this game yet?
Negro Justice: Been had finalized roster. The roster (for the arcades at least) has to be finalized as the arcade release is this month. The only character not shown in all this is the mysterious alternate Ash - Saiki - that was hinted at in the Team Iori neomax exhibition.