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« Gamescom 2010: Super Street Fighter 4 3DS Port Will Make You Remember the 90s »

Graphical comparison between console version (left) and Nintendo 3DS version (right). Image courtesy of Kotaku.

Kotaku interviewed Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono about the upcoming Super Street Fighter 4 3DS for the forthcoming Nintendo 3DS handheld.  The interview had a lot of information that IPW posted a few days ago. However, the part of the interview focusing on the utilization of the 3DS for the game's graphics is more in-depth. You can view the entire interview by hitting the link above or the source link, but here's a sample about the graphics:

Ono's team is also working on how they want to use the 3DS' ability to deliver adjustable stereoscopic 3D without the need for glasses.

"When you put the 3D slider on max the game will be between looking into the (game world) and the characters jumping out at you, so you can distinguish the background and characters very clearly."

Ono said the team is also hoping to design the game so that when the slider is used to turn the 3D effect off the game will look like at 2D game.

"The gameplay we can port perfectly from the PS3 and Xbox 360 version and we're not going to subtract anything out of that," he said. "It is how we adjust the graphics that will help people remember what sort of game they used to play in the 90s."

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