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Entries in Nintendo 3DS (11)


Nintendo Unveils New Music for Super Smash Bros.

Nintendo has made several tracks for the upcoming Smash Bros. games available for players to hear on the official Smash website. These tracks include music from Mega Man 2, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team, Kirby's Dream Land, Nintendogs, The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and Pokémon X & Y.

In addition to these previews of the music in the upcoming game, Nintendo has also posted the complete list of composers whose works will be featured in the 3DS version of Smash Bros. The 40-person list, which also names each individual's major works, covers many different genres and eras of gaming and includes artists such as Kenji Ito and Hirokazu Tanaka.

The 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. releases on Oct. 3, 2014. The Wii U version of the game still has no concrete release date.


[UPDATE] E3 2014: Pac-Man to Join Super Smash Bros., Game & Watch Teased

During the Super Smash Bros. Developer Roundtable at E3, Nintendo has revealed a new character for the upcoming games: Pac-Man.

Pac-Man fights with basic punches and kicks, as well as pixelated fruit, ghosts and other classic Bandai Namco characters; certain moves can even change him into classic Pac-Man. His Final Smash creates the original Pac-Man playfield, complete with walls and power pellets.

Hit the jump for the Pac-Man reveal trailer.

UPDATE: This story previously said that Mr. Game & Watch was confirmed for the upcoming games. There seems to be some descrepancy as to whether Nintendo was seeking to reveal Game & Watch, or simply compare his age to that of Pac-Man. For that reason he remains unconfirmed at this time.

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New Info Revealed From Super Smash Bros. 3DS & Wii U From Direct Event, Coming Summer & Winter 2014 Respectively

Super Smash Bros. For 3DS & Wii U director Masahiro Sakurai announces new information for the Nintendo Direct video event.

Along with introducing new items, stages and move changes, Zero Suit Samus, Shiek, Yoshi will be returning. Sakurai also introduced moves for some of the new characters including Little Mac and Mega Man. The new games will also allow players to customize moves to their liking for casual play. At the end of the video, a cinematic trailer features Pokemon Charizard and Greninja coming to the new games.

The online mode user interface will be modified from Super Smash Bros. Brawl featuring anti-cheat/grief measures and a point-based ranking system different from the usual style. When playing online, players can play "for fun" where items are enabled and wins are only recorded or play "for glory" where items are disabled and Final Destination is only playable.

The 3DS version of the new Super Smash Bros. will run at 60fps with enemies outputting at 30fps. This version will also receive a new mode called "Smash Run" This multiplayer dungeon mode allows players to level up their character in a huge multi-tiered level to later fight each other with their obtained stats.

The 3DS version will be available summer 2014 with the Wii U version coming winter 2014. Check Nintendo Direct to watch the archive!


PC Doujin Fighter Yatagarasu Coming To Nintendo 3DS

For the upcoming Penny Arcade Expo Prime at Seattle, Wash., there will be an indie game showcase for multiple platforms. One of the games in the selection is an existing PC indie fighter called Yatagarasu being made for the Nintendo DS.

Referred to as Yata in the list, the fighter is developed by Circle Edge. The small team features artist Styleos, known for his character creations K' and Maxima introduced in The King of Fighters' NESTS saga ('99, 2000, 2001). The team also features designer Umezono who is known for his Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike and recent Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 play. For those unfamiliar, the existing PC version of Yatagarasu features unlockable commentators KSK, Tokido and Kokujin, notable for their 3rd Strike play as well.

Publisher Nicalis, those who brought Cave Story to Nintendo WiiWare, will be bringing this game to the 3DS eShop. If you have plans to attend PAX Prime, make sure to check out this fighter! If you want to find out more about Yatagarasu and even try out the game yourself, go check out the Shoryuken thread!


Over The Shoulder View in Super Street Fighter 4 3D Edition

It is unclear if this was intentional on Capcom's part, but an over the shoulder view has been discovered in Super Street Fighter 4 3D Edition for the Nintendo 3DS.  Your control inputs remain the same, just the perspective changes to be more behind the character.   This mode can be manually turned on or off.

A very short video clip of the mode has surfaced, giving an extremely brief look at the perspective. 

Check it out after the jump!

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Dead or Alive Dimensions Trailer for Nintendo 3DS

The first trailer for Dead or Alive Dimensions for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS handheld system is here. It shows some gameplay with the tag mechanic.  What do you think?

Video after the jump!

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Trio of new Screenshots for Super Street Fighter 4 3DS

Three new screenshots have been released for Super Street Fighter 4 for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS handheld. 

The game is looking pretty good! Keep in mind that these screenshots are actually larger than the screen resolution of the 3DS, so they will look much sharper on the system.When I get my 3DS this will be my first pick-up! Images after the break!

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Dead or Alive for Nintendo 3DS Officially Named


An article on Dead or Alive for the Nintendo 3DS handheld was publised in Japanese weekly gaming magazine Famitsu.  The game will be called Dead or Alive: Dimensions.  Considering that the game will certainly utilize the 3D capabilities of the handheld, it is a good title.

A scans of the Famitsu article (shown above) give a small, slightly blurry early glimpse at the game. We will share new information as it comes in.

Thanks to IMNEXTONLINE.COM for the tip! Thanks to Nite for lead on far better scans!


Gamescom 2010: Super Street Fighter 4 3DS Port Will Make You Remember the 90s

Graphical comparison between console version (left) and Nintendo 3DS version (right). Image courtesy of Kotaku.

Kotaku interviewed Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono about the upcoming Super Street Fighter 4 3DS for the forthcoming Nintendo 3DS handheld.  The interview had a lot of information that IPW posted a few days ago. However, the part of the interview focusing on the utilization of the 3DS for the game's graphics is more in-depth. You can view the entire interview by hitting the link above or the source link, but here's a sample about the graphics:

Ono's team is also working on how they want to use the 3DS' ability to deliver adjustable stereoscopic 3D without the need for glasses.

"When you put the 3D slider on max the game will be between looking into the (game world) and the characters jumping out at you, so you can distinguish the background and characters very clearly."

Ono said the team is also hoping to design the game so that when the slider is used to turn the 3D effect off the game will look like at 2D game.

"The gameplay we can port perfectly from the PS3 and Xbox 360 version and we're not going to subtract anything out of that," he said. "It is how we adjust the graphics that will help people remember what sort of game they used to play in the 90s."


Gamescom: Revogamers Interviews Yoshinori Ono about Super Street Fighter 4 3DS

Yoshinori Ono talks about Super Street Fighter 4 3DS, giving new details. Image courtesy of Revogamers.Revogamers, a Spanish language gaming website, has interviewed Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono at Gamescom.  In this interview he talked about Super Street Fighter 4 3DS for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS handheld, and he had some interesting details.

First of all, the game will have all 35 characters found in the HD console versions and will play and feel the same as well.  It will feature a new touch control mode as an alternative to the traditional controls as well. We'd imagine it would work similarly to how Street Fighter 4 plays on the iPhone (which works pretty well all things considered).  A new difficulty mode would be available for this control scheme so that all players can enjoy the game.

The 3D component to the game will be like if you put the characters in a box, where players can feel the depth.  This feature can be turned off or back on as desired.

He also said that he realizes that multiplayer is a very important aspect of the game and that he is working had to provide a satisfactory experience. However, the 3DS is still not final so he cannot fully comment on that.

He also mentioned that the 3DS' D-pad is not final, but said that the newer versions Nintendo has shown them are coming closer to what the Super Street Fighter 4 team prefers.

Interestingly, it seems Ono presented "Street Fighter Fit" to Capcom as a Wii game, but when he was told about the Nintendo 3DS he decided to go that route instead. He said that one of the reasons for bringing the game to the 3DS is because he considers it to be the perfect console to bring together all types of players from beginner to veteran.

Finally, Ono said that Super Street Fighter 4 3DS would have a surprise that is only possible on the Nintendo 3DS. More details will be revealed in a month or so.

Tokyo Game Show 2010 starts on September 16th, making that event a good opportunity to reveal more details.

Go here if you'd like to see more previously released screenshots for the game!



How will the game take advantage of the system's capabilities? 3D implementation in some way? I've just received word over Twitter that there was a mention of Super Street Fighter 4 during the CAPCOM slide for the Nintendo 3DS reveal. Wes Phillips, Capcom PR, also confirmed "Street Fighter" is coming to the DS.  Nintendo's Press Site also lists a Super Street Fighter 4 3D Edition (name not final) as a third party title for the system. It's coming folks.

Considering Street Fighter 4 was developed for the iPhone, this isn't a huge shock that CAPCOM is making a 3DS port of the game, but the big question is: how will it control? Will it be a somewhat classic control interface or some interaction with the stylus? Will there be 3D elements in game -- perhaps 3D Ultras -- or just a lo-res version of what is already on 360/PS3?

We'll update this post if any new information pops up in the following days!

 Source: Twitter - @ReaLgoesWronG, @WesPhillips