« Head of Team Ninja Talks Dead or Alive Dimensions »
Inside Games recently conducted a quick interview with Team Ninja head Yousuke Hayashi at Tokyo Game Show about Dead or Alive Dimensions, their upcoming fighter for the Nintendo 3DS handheld.
Prior to hearing about the ability of the handheld to do 3D, Hayashi felt that the 3DS had the ability to handle a fighting game. "I've thought from before that there was great potential for fighting games played on a portable game machine," said Hayashi. "However, the reality was that there was no hardware that matched this. When I first saw the 3DS, I felt that with this performance, it could be done."
Upon learning about the handheld's 3D, Hayashi felt that adding 3D to a fighting game would make the results even more amazing. He did say that it is more fitting to say that DOA Dimensions started with the desire to bring DOA to a handheld rather than to make it on the 3DS.
Hayashi stated that development for 3D was a learning experience and will bring the ability to show depth into the screen as a method for "showing things more realistically."
He continued to say that the game's stages will have more dynamic elements. Players will be able to run into objects and objects falling off cliffs.
Dead or Alive is the first step in restarting the franchise once again. "We've released 1 through 4, so we want Dimensions to allow you to experience everything in those." This means that the characters everyone expects to be in the game will be there", he said.
There is currently no announced release date. Nintendo will be holding a press conference on September 29th to announce its plans for the 3DS handheld, so it is possible to learn more about Dead or Alive Dimensions at that time.