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This is the first entry into a series of articles I hope to pump out consistently that breaks down the match-up between two characters. With Sagat being my main, I'll start with his match-ups and move onto other characters. Of course, with any match-up there are plenty of details and nuances that can be player specific, so post up in the comments if you feel I forgot anything. 

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Sagat vs Balrog is heavily in Sagat's favor, even in SSF4 due to the fact that the Tiger Shot game makes it very difficult for Barlog to get in and start an offense. More than that, once Balrog is in, Sagat has a ton of tools to push him back out and do a nice chunk of damage in the process.

That said, many Sagat players still have issues versus competent Balrog's and a lot of this information can be applied to any character, not just Sagat. 



ULTRA 1 - Tiger Destruction

Tiger Destruction is your best bet in this match-up due to how much damage it does. In most cases you'll have an opportunity to land this Ultra after a Focus Crumple, and it will bag you max damage for doing so. 





In many cases Standing Roundhouse is a safer anti-air option than an Uppercut.Kara-Tiger Uppercut is a great anti air attack versus Balrog, enabling you to attack him from long ranges as he attempts to jump over Tiger Shots and just advance in general. Standing Roundhouse is a good choice from mid to close range as well, due to the fact that Jump-in Fierce Punch from Balrog can stuff Uppercuts when timed properly. 





Long Range

Lob plasma for as long as possible.At long range is where you will want to stay for the majority of the fight as Sagat. Get some distance and start by throwing Light (Slow) High Tiger Shots. Balrog's who like to vertical jump or Headbutt through these Tiger Shots will in many cases end up landing on them.

Mix in some Heavy (Fast) High Tiger Shots for good measure and try to get the Balrog player to use TAP to pass through them. If the Balrog player ends up using TAP late, you can clock him with a Standing Roundhouse, otherwise Standing Jab will do the trick to stop the TAP.

Also, keep in mind after throwing a Tiger Shot, it many cases it's good to take a small step forward and put yourself in Kara-Tiger Uppercut range. Kara the Uppercut with Forward + Light Kick for max range to punish the Balrog player for attempting to advance. 

Balrog's who use EX Rush's to advance are easily countered with a throw. Anytime you see the EX flash, get ready to throw the Balrog player out of the rush. This move has an interesting property in that there is a quick moment of "homing" it has to activate before it actually hits, giving you just enough time to scoop them.

Lastly, TAPs, Rush Punches and anything of that sort is easily counterable with a raw Ultra. This may sound scrubby, trying to hit the opponent with a raw ultra from full screen, but it's not nearly as scrubby as tossing out rush punches and TAPs from full screen! In many cases this can be the difference between winning and losing a match.



Use Focus Attacks from mid-range to clap Dash Straights and other attacks.From mid-range you will want to stop all the Tiger Shot business in that Balrog will easily be able to jump in and start a combo if you miss time it. It's better to not take the risk to begin with.

Charging up a Focus Attack is typically never a bad idea in that a Level 2 or 3 Focus will stop Rush Straights and Headbutts from this range. Just beware of the Dash Lower Smash due to the fact that is Armor Breaking and will send you into the corner -- a place you don't want to be versus Balrog.

As far as normal attacks are concerned, Standing Roundhouse and Crouching Fierce can be effective from this range, enabling you to counter attack any wiffed pokes Balrog throws out there. Beware of using Standing Roundhouse too often though, because the Balrog player can easily Headbutt it if they see it coming. That said, throw in a Fake Standing Roundhouse and try to bait the Headbutts. Standing Medium Kick is also effective since it has good range, passes over and stuffs many of Balrog's attacks. 

Vertical Jump Medium Kick can be effective for stopping Rush Punches from mid-range as well, but beware of Rush Uppers and TAP. If you are juggled by either one, you can end up eating a full Ultra from Balrog.



Use Focus Attacks to catch sweeps from mid-to-close range, but beware of close range Crouching Jabs.Of course, this is the range that a Balrog wants to be in to cause you the most amount of headaches. There are plenty of ways to deal with the Balrog player's pressure, but you will want to stay out of his Crouching Jab range at all costs. If Balrog happens to be this close, just block and look for throws. As much as I love mashing Tiger Uppercuts, Crouching Jab is just too good and you'll end up eating a combo more often than not if you start hitting buttons.

The key from this range is to stay outside of Crouching Jab range but within Crouching Roundhouse range. Most Balrog players love to abuse Crouching Roundhouse to land that untechable knockdown and go in for a mix up. Charge up a Level 2 or 3 Focus Attack and let it rip to punish the Crouching Roundhouse.

Much like from mid-range, Crouching Fierce and Standing Roundhouse can be effective for pushing Balrog back out and landing a chunk of damage in the process. Don't forget about Standing Light Kick either, in that it is still a good tool to keep the opponent at bay, even if the second hit doesn't cancel into Low Tiger Shot anymore. 


Other Notes

One thing to keep in mind if the Balrog player punishes your Focus Attacks constantly with Dash Lower Smashes, is that you counter with a Super on block. Build meter through out the match and hold onto it until you block a Dash Lower Smash and let him have it. Be sure to buffer the Super motion while in block stun. 

For more Sagat strategy and match-up notes, be sure to check out the iPlayWinner Super Street Fighter 4 Strategy Guide.

Special thanks to 0ShinAkuma0 for providing the video used for screenshots in this article.

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