« BlazBlue: Continuum Shift: Arc System Works Issues Statement about Valkenhayn DLC »
There have been problems associated with the DLC character Valkenhayn R. Hellsing and the general gameplay patch that goes alongside his release. The Xbox 360 release of the character and patch have been delayed, with ETA unknown. The patch for the Playstation 3 version also has issues as well.
Arc has released an official statement, dealing with the issues causing this delay, and their suggested workaround. The issue is basically this: The patch that enables use of Valkenhayn (not the Valkenhayn DLC itself) also introduces a bug. Since the 360 patch and DLC haven't been released yet, the 360 version is currently unaffected, but any PS3 versions that have been patched are. Arc is, of course, currently working on a solution, but for now they have the following suggestion:
Arc System Works said:
The Cause:
When waiting for the Ranked Match matchmaking, players can practice using the "In Queue Training Mode". While in Training Mode, if the player is playing with one of the following combinations: "Ragna x Hazama" and "Ragna x Valkenhayn" and finds a match, completes the match, and returns to "In Queue Training Mode," a freeze will occur.
The Solution:
Avoid using the following characters while taking advantage of the "In Queue Training" feature: Ragna, Hazama, Valkenhayn. *Using any other character and "In Queue Training" will not cause the game to freeze.*
You can find the full statement from Arc here, but it's all in Japanese. If you want to contact Arc's support department, you can e-mail them at support@arcsy.co.jp. Exactly how long it will take for Arc to finish the patch and run it through the approvals process is uncertain, but our best guess at this time is probably a few weeks. That's an unofficial guess, however--how long it will actually take is up to Arc, and they haven't given us an estimate yet.
The DLC, however, will still be going up on the NA PSN on the 28th of this month. Just keep in mind that in order to use it, you need the patch, and the patch introduces the issues described above.
Additionally, the 360 DLC and patch have been (unfortunately) further delayed because of issues with Microsoft's servers. Sadly, there is no projected release date for them at this time. :(
PS3: Patch has been released, DLC will be released on the 28th. Installing the patch, however, will introduce a crash bug. Arc has suggested a work-around, described above. They are working on a fix, but as of this moment there is no projected date for when that fix will be released.
360: Patch and DLC have both been delayed, due to an issue with Microsoft's servers. There is currently no projected date for when the issue will be resolved.