Entries in ipw strategy (12)


MATCH-UP BREAKDOWN: Vega/Claw vs. Rufus

Matchup Breakdown: Vega/Claw vs. Rufus by Marcos “El Cubano Loco” Blanco


This matchup frustrated me and many other Claw players probably just as much as Blanka did back in the Vanilla SF4 days. It wasn’t an impossible matchup to overcome, but it definitely was far from an easy ride, especially if the Rufus player knew how to shut down Vega’s offense and prey upon his not so stellar defense.

Thankfully in Super SF4, the matchup went from being a 7-3 nightmare in Rufus’ favor to now…well Rufus still has the edge, but now it is a more manageable 6-4 endeavor since Rufus has a few nerfs whereas Vega has nothing but buffs, namely his mask and claw staying on longer, a bigger hit box on his EX Flying Barcelona Attack (FBA), a buffed Ultra 1 and his extremely useful Ultra 2.

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IPW Super Street Fighter 4 Strategy Guide Update

The latest update to the IPW Super Street Fighter 4 Guide is here!  We're going to push harder on adding to the guide.  We want to add as much as we can in the coming weeks before the end of the year.

One change we've decided to implement into the guide regards the descriptions of Special Moves.  The more information we add, the harder it becomes to find specific information.  So we've added some graphics and added a space of separation between the basic move description and the info regarding the move's EX version and FADC if applicable.  Doing this should make it much easier to find info within the description and helps break up the "wall of text" syndrome. The first character to use this is Balrog, as we basically did a rewrite of his guide anyway.

Got any ideas for what you'd like to see in the guide or want to submit information or tips on videos you think we should direct link to in the guide?

Send any info to tips@iplaywinner.com or leave it in the comments! Thanks in advance!

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For the lot of you that probably don't know who I am, my name is Harrison from Sonoma, CA. I am regularly at StarBase Arcade every Wednesday night which IPW streams and I have been playing Cody since the release of Super Street Fighter 4. Despite 99% of the Cody players out there who have given up, I have stuck with him since he fits my play style and look -- white! LOL

Below is a breakdown on the Cody vs Chun-Li match which I believe to be 5/5. Hit me up in the comments if you have any questions and I'll do my best to answer them!

Do you have your own Match-up Breakdown you'd like to see on the front page of iPlayWinner? Copy and paste this template and send all entries over to admin@iplaywinner.com

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IPW Super Street Fighter 4 Strategy Guide Update

The latest update to the IPW Super Street Fighter 4 Guide is here!  This week we've had some excellent contributions from our readers, so check them out!

Some of these contributions have shown us that while many of the characters' guide pages are coming along great, there are others that really need help.  A few of the guide pages, mostly transferred over from our original vanilla guide, are also in need of an update upon closer inspection.

What we may do is focus on one character at a time each week and try to get as much information up as we can.

This week we're going to focus on Balrog (Boxer).  So if you have any information for this character that you think needs to be in the guide, as well as links to tutorials that you think are a necessity for players who are new to the character, send those in! 

Of course you can send in info on any character and we'll add it, but if you're a player with lots of Balrog knowledge, now is the time to share that with us as we rewrite his guide page so we can incorporate all of the information smoothly.

Send any info to tips@iplaywinner.com or leave it in the comments! Also any suggestions can be made there as well. Thanks in advance!

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IPW Super Street Fighter 4 Strategy Guide Update

We've been busy here at IPW and as a result we've relaxed some on our Super Street Fighter 4 Strategy Guide updates, but we're back to work!  Here are the changes that have been made this week.

We are also planning to make a pretty significant format change to the guide.  We've noticed that many of the pages are getting very long, and will only get considerably longer as we update this guide long-term.  It takes longer to find specific info, pages load slower, and it looks daunting to see all the info in one shot.

So what we are planning to do is to create summaries for each of the various sub-sections on each guide page. This way you can load only the section of the guide you are specifically looking for info on instead of having to load the whole thing every time. Long-term this will pay off in many ways both in making it easier for us to update specific sections and for readers to find information. For those who like to print the guides, you can still print each section separately to form one complete guide.

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How to Get Better At Street Fighter, by Juicebox Abel. Part Six: The List, Analyzing Your Matches, and Conclusion

Eric "Juicebox" Albino is widely recognized in the Super Street Fighter 4 community as among the best Abel players in North America.  He has earned himself a professional sponsorship with Borderland Gaming.  He is not only a top player, but he also gives back to the community.

One of those community efforts is a series of podcasts he has recorded in which he shares some of his vast knowledge of the game.  One of those is "How to Get Better at Street Fighter". Juicebox and Iplaywinner have transcribed the podcast into a series of articles broken down by topic, where it will be added to a new IPW Player's Guide.

This Article: Wrapping Up The List, Analyzing Your Matches, and Conclusion

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How to Get Better At Street Fighter, by Juicebox Abel. Part Five: Match-ups, Yomi and Adaptation

Eric "Juicebox" Albino is widely recognized in the Super Street Fighter 4 community as among the best Abel players in North America.  He has earned himself a professional sponsorship with Borderland Gaming.  He is not only a top player, but he also gives back to the community.

One of those community efforts is a series of podcasts he has recorded in which he shares some of his vast knowledge of the game.  One of those is "How to Get Better at Street Fighter". Juicebox and Iplaywinner have transcribed the podcast into a series of articles broken down by topic, where it will be added to a new IPW Player's Guide.

This Article: Match-ups, Yomi and Adaptation

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How to Get Better At Street Fighter, by Juicebox Abel. Part Four: Defensive Options and Reaction Time

Eric "Juicebox" Albino is widely recognized in the Super Street Fighter 4 community as among the best Abel players in North America.  He has earned himself a professional sponsorship with Borderland Gaming.  He is not only a top player, but he also gives back to the community.

One of those community efforts is a series of podcasts he has recorded in which he shares some of his vast knowledge of the game.  One of those is "How to Get Better at Street Fighter". Juicebox and Iplaywinner have transcribed the podcast into a series of articles broken down by topic, where it will be added to a new IPW Player's Guide.

This Article: Defensive Options and Reaction Time

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How to Get Better At Street Fighter, by Juicebox Abel. Part Three: Anti-Airs, Spacing and Footsies, and Meter Management

Eric "Juicebox" Albino is widely recognized in the Super Street Fighter 4 community as among the best Abel players in North America.  He has earned himself a professional sponsorship with Borderland Gaming.  He is not only a top player, but he also gives back to the community.

One of those community efforts is a series of podcasts he has recorded in which he shares some of his vast knowledge of the game.  One of those is "How to Get Better at Street Fighter". Juicebox and Iplaywinner have transcribed the podcast into a series of articles broken down by topic, where it will be added to a new IPW Player's Guide.

This Article: Anti-Airs, Spacing and Footsies, and Meter Management

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How to Get Better At Street Fighter, by Juicebox Abel. Part Two: Basic Terms, Practice, Bread and Butters and Hit Confirming

Eric "Juicebox" Albino is widely recognized in the Super Street Fighter 4 community as among the best Abel players in North America.  He has earned himself a professional sponsorship with Borderland Gaming.  He is not only a top player, but he also gives back to the community.

One of those community efforts is a series of podcasts he has recorded in which he shares some of his vast knowledge of the game.  One of those is "How to Get Better at Street Fighter". Juicebox and Iplaywinner have transcribed the podcast into a series of articles broken down by topic, where it will be added to a new IPW Player's Guide.

This Article: Basic Terms, Practice, Bread and Butter Combos, and Hit Confirming

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How to Get Better At Street Fighter, by Juicebox Abel. Part One: Intro and Setting Goals

Eric "Juicebox" Albino is widely recognized in the Super Street Fighter 4 community as among the best Abel players in North America.  He has earned himself a professional sponsorship with Borderland Gaming.  Not only is he a top player, but he also gives back to the community.

One of those community efforts is a series of podcasts he has recorded in which he shares some of his vast knowledge of the game.  One of those is "How to Get Better at Street Fighter". Juicebox and Iplaywinner have transcribed the podcast into a series of articles broken down by topic, where it will be added to a new IPW Player's Guide.

This Article: Introduction and Setting Goals

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This is the first entry into a series of articles I hope to pump out consistently that breaks down the match-up between two characters. With Sagat being my main, I'll start with his match-ups and move onto other characters. Of course, with any match-up there are plenty of details and nuances that can be player specific, so post up in the comments if you feel I forgot anything. 

Do you have your own Match-up Breakdown you'd like to see on the front page of iPlayWinner? Copy and paste this template and send all entries over to admin@iplaywinner.com

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