MATCH-UP BREAKDOWN: Vega/Claw vs. Rufus
Matchup Breakdown: Vega/Claw vs. Rufus by Marcos “El Cubano Loco” Blanco
This matchup frustrated me and many other Claw players probably just as much as Blanka did back in the Vanilla SF4 days. It wasn’t an impossible matchup to overcome, but it definitely was far from an easy ride, especially if the Rufus player knew how to shut down Vega’s offense and prey upon his not so stellar defense.
Thankfully in Super SF4, the matchup went from being a 7-3 nightmare in Rufus’ favor to now…well Rufus still has the edge, but now it is a more manageable 6-4 endeavor since Rufus has a few nerfs whereas Vega has nothing but buffs, namely his mask and claw staying on longer, a bigger hit box on his EX Flying Barcelona Attack (FBA), a buffed Ultra 1 and his extremely useful Ultra 2.