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Reader Comments (17)
Well, that's certainly different...
wait... no, it's not.
^^ agreed, man i wish Snk would get back in the game, forget KOF, but games like fatal fury, last blade, snk had more fighting franchises then anyone , games they can bring back to life, rather then seeing this game repetitive shit..this looks just like acrana hearts..then you got shit like blazblue/gulity gear/fist of the north star/rumble fish, all the same ..atleast to me
this trailer really made me laugh its like every school-based anime personality just stuck in a fighting game. How is a quiet bookworm chick going to fight a guy with sword!
I'll skip the sensitive route. This looks like shit!
ninja bitch looks coo.
Eroge-based fightans are so ten years ago. Besides, didn't we already have Queen of Heart for this? srsly, this looks like Queen of Heart with VanPri's assist system.
Pros: Tama-nee
Cons: Karura instead of Touka (wtf)
i dunno, the name reminds me of pizza. that has to count for something.
meh.. skip this one.. arcana heart is faster and better looking. not to mention the depth.. this one just looks like a straight forward fighter
Looks like shit. Maybe with some time it will shape up nicely.
I usually like anime fighters, but this is unimpressive at best.
I like anime fighters as well and so far this one hasn't shown anything impressive. And i lol at people who hate on all anime fighters when they like MvC3 which is pretty much a simplified anime fighter with marvel characters.
^ This x1000000000000!
Another loli paedophiles wet dream come true, with SNES graphics to boot.
I fucking love how they can cash in on this shit for all the sad fuckers in the world who stay in their bedrooms to watch anime and play garbage like this.
So you didn't get a girlfriend when you were 13, tough shit, no need to FOREVER ALONE on crap like this is there?
Yet another uninspired 2D fighter from Japan.
Daemonshade is TOO MANLY for this game.
Better keep playing Tekken, with all the effeminate men and sweaty dudes grappling each other, bro.