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« MvC3: Spider-Man Combo Vids »

Spider-Man may not be very high on everyone's character preference lists, but that doesn't mean he can't get some combo video love, too. GamingArcadia put together a pretty cool, albeit short video showing off a few neat combos, titled "The Amazing Spider-Man Skill Project". SMOAI2010 also uploaded a combo video performed by Gon, and it's a bit longer and packed full with combos.

You can find both videos embedded below. Check them out and let us know what you think!


Reader Comments (3)

Lovin it, I want to use Spiderman on point.

March 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDelx

yeah both these videos really helped tbh. been playing spidey a bit more, just wish he did more damage. his hyper combos are kind of ass too. lol

March 25, 2011 | Registered Commenterhaunts

The Japanese video seems better as a tutorial but it's a shame hardly anyone outside of Japan will understand it unless they know all the inputs by heart.

Spiderman is my least played character according to statistics which is sad because I play every single character on the list on a regular basis outside of ranked matches. Against noobs I play a troll/fun/weak team, against friends I play a fun team, against pro's I play the teams I'm most comfortable with but Spiderman never gets drawn to my attention when I'm on the character select screen, and the funny thing is he's a damn good character.

I have no idea how I've played MODOK more than him, these videos might change my stats though.

March 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDaemonshade
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