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« SSF4AE2012: Top Level Replays From Infiltration, - 6, Uryo, Gamerbee and More »

I've uploaded a few huge SSF4 AE 2012 videos on my channel. Each one is around 30 minutes, featuring Infiltration (using Hakan), GamerBee, Uryo, - 6, T SRAI and more. There's tons of high level play from a huge variety of characters, so make sure to to check them out!

I've put the match listings with the time stamps so you can pick and choose the matches easily.

Infiltration [Hakan] vs ATNBRK [Juri]

Uryo [Gouki] vs qq575757 [Ryu] 2:04 (I'm almost positive this is - 6 playing on Uryo's account, but I'm not 100% sure)

Poongko [Yun] vs GamerBee [Adon] 3:42

- 6 [Gouki] vs Tokido [Seth] 5:01

- 6 [Gouki] vs Hisyou [Yun] 7:11

iim83man [Gouki] vs Majorboy [Evil Ryu] 9:00

T SRAI [Blanka] vs brokkenG [Vega] 10:51

roxas0427 [Seth] vs Zangiefofsugita [Gief] 14:41

GameOutttt [Guile] vs SASURALsoul [Oni] 17:55

Zangitan [Gief] vs ilvaniratica [Gief] 19:53

Tonpy [Viper] vs MeshioX [Viper] 21:38

satouz [Vega] vs TeasingButton [Cody] 23:33

LeviStrauss1829 [Ken] vs Mrfuji boc [Ryu]

Desora [Gouken] vs toro1006t [T.Hawk] 1:23

Panya [Ken] vs TAKAHOKO [Chun] 4:06

Iori [Fuerte] vs ikkiiki [Bison] 7:40

suroP [Ryu] vs GoGo yubari777 [Oni] 10:38

Fs Aiku [Gouki] vs kusiro honda [Honda] 13:42

Hiropon [Seth] vs sitamachi00 [Cody] 16:28

Oyamasan [Guile] vs o wa re jp [Honda] 19:20

jrojro5963 [Juri] vs Mrfuji boc [Ryu] 22:40

Ekusiro [Ryu] vs kulurupon [Bison] 24:41

xxxLYU [Adon] vs rng505 [Ryu] 27:37

Sushiya893 [T.Hawk] vs RulingOrchard [Makoto] 29:47

Violat [Zangief] vs BookW7266 [Bison] 31:50

Shinba Abel [Abel] vs Ryugagotoku [Cody] 34:07

lsy9983 [Bison] vs II Emperor II [Sagat]

aka jojo [Bison] vs rosetukaidesu [Rose] 1:45

AOI MOMO [Bison] vs buriBRIO [Dhalsim] 3:53

FuzzyPhi [T.Hawk] vs keiichi ogata [Ryu] 6:22

ViperRX188 [Gouken] vs Regrass [Fuerte] 9:13

Shiro [Makoto] vs jrojro5963 [Juri] 11:24

Inaba [Seth] vs ProudStrawberry [Gouken] 14:02

ProudStrawberry [Gouken] vs MechLizard [Viper] 17:22

iim83man [Gouki] vs WitheringAtolo [Cody] 19:50

youshikibi [Cammy] vs sieg125 [Fuerte] 21:29

xxxLYU [Adon] vs Jiban [Rose] 23:40

FUCU T2 [Rose] vs metsu3 [Gouki] 26:03

b05indians [Abel] vs mlnls0avet [Abel] 28:25

Sora wings [Juri] vs Billy Maqiang [Yun] 30:45

toshi gst [Rose] vs kentrs999 [Sagat] 33:10


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