« Real Honest Sundays Season Finale Replays Now Live on YouTube »
Hey all, if you missed our Real Honest Sundays Season Finale at Southtown Arcade be sure to load up these too-hot-for TwitchTV replays that just made it to YouTube!
The King of Fighters XIII at STA was back in full swing this week with vets BBZ, Fixel, Hellpockets and others holding it down versus SoCal scum, Giby aka EX Harrison! For reals though, it was super hype to have Giby roll through to not only play but also help commentate (and order pizza). Be sure to hit him up on Twitter and check out SNK-Capcom as well.
I was also back in action after a week or two of absence but no joysticks were harmed in the filming of RHS 5.6 this time around.
CvS2, after a slow week the week before, was also back with a vengeance. This was CarnbyCL's last tournament before going back to Spain and ended up doing pretty well versus a lot of STA regulars. You'll be missed!
Leezy of course mopped the floor with everyone but there were some great bouts all around with LionX, MrWarzard, 2000 Watts and more.
Subscribe to us on YouTube for more videos and check out the playlist after the jump! Holla!